Cyberpunk 2077 has not had the best of launches. While it seems to be a good game underneath, the game (particularly the console versions) has been plagued with horrific glitches and bugs that make the game hilariously funny at the best of times, and borderline unplayable at the worst of times.

However, while the game itself has suffered at launch, sales figures have not seemed to follow that same fate, although it is important to note that the 13 million figure reached by Cyberpunk 2077 even factors in the news that Sony recently pulled the game from the PlayStation Store and started offering refunds to customers unhappy with their purchase. That 13 million is the sell-through figure – meaning that it takes into accounts the sales from both retail and digital storefronts and the returns to retail stores. It also goes up to exclude the number of returns that were received before the publication of CD Projekt Red’s investor report.
CD Projekt Red, the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 and also The Witcher series, said it chose to disclose this information to help appease investors and shareholders. “The Management Board has decided to disclose the above information in the form of a current report due to its potential impact on investment-related decisions,” the company said.
Despite all of the drama that has gone on with Cyberpunk 2077, it’s still a very healthy figure after 10 days of sales (the report accounts until January 20). And all that being said, CDPR has pledged to support the game with a number of patches. The console versions have seen the majority and most severe of bugs, and the updated PS5 and Series X/S versions are still in the works. Ultimately, games have recovered. No Man’s Sky had one of the most controversial launches of the past generation, and its turnaround from panned to revered is one for developers to take note in.
Regardless, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you think Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game under the surface? Is the 13 million sales figure surprising or a given? Let us know in the comments below!