There are a lot of people out there adamant about making the lives of others more difficult. Sometimes, they do it because the other person somehow ‘started it.’ In many of those cases, things needlessly escalate and get out of hand when the exact opposite was just as easy to attain. One entitled man recorded himself arguing with a border patrol agent about not wanting to repeat himself, later facing the consequences. The dashcam footage was then reposted to Reddit for everyone to see.
The video is recorded from a dashcam fixed to the entitled man’s car and pointed at him. At the very beginning of the video, he drives up to the border patrol agent’s window while saying he’s an American citizen and rolling his window down at the same time. Of course, the agent, who was off camera, couldn’t hear him and asked that he repeat himself. Instead of answering the simple question, the entitled man stands his ground and states that he’s already said his answer and doesn’t need to repeat it. Because that isn’t the kind of answer you give border patrol, the agent gives the man a few more chances to answer the question calmly.
Eventually, you can see another agent in the background who was listening approach the man’s vehicle. After a few more attempts at getting the man to answer the question, the agents eventually ask him to pull over because he is holding up traffic. Commenters were quick to criticize the man and his victim mentality.
“Imagine being so lonely and miserable that you manufacture this kind of drama for a little human interaction.”
Personally, I can’t help but agree. I’ve watched the clip over and over again and can’t help but cringe at the man’s actions. He had so many chances to repeat himself and be on his way, and instead chose to do things the hard way. After a little more digging, I discovered that the man’s name is Earl Warden, a YouTuber known for pushing the limits of law enforcement. It didn’t surprise me to also find that he is currently in prison for two decades for a completely unrelated crime of sexual assault. Fortunately, we won’t be seeing more of him any time soon.