It’s always baffling to see the “traditions” some people have. One of the worst ones that still remains to these days is that of releasing balloons for certain occasions. While the worst thing about this is the pollution that follows after the balloon materials fall down on some other place and can even affect animals and the ecosystem in general, there are other situations where they can affect a whole neighborhood. This is the case of a recent Reddit video that shows a bunch of kids releasing balloons below power lines. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Posted by Reddit user GatoNadador on the r/Whatcouldgowrong Subreddit, we can see a group of people gathered in the street, waiting for kids to release their balloons into the sky. What should’ve been a nice moment for the children and those around them quickly turned into a blackout as the balloons flew straight into the power lines, causing an explosion. First, we see a few sparks fly and some lights being turned off. However, after a few seconds, a large explosion occurs, sending the whole neighborhood into a dark landscape. I am not one to say these people deserved it, but come on, they should’ve known better. Flying things and power lines do not go well together. Beyond that, it is a terrible thing to do for the environment.
Like myself, many other people on Reddit agree with the sentiment that releasing balloons is a horrible thing to do, regardless of where you are.
Just “releasing balloons” in general is a stupid thing. It’s literally just littering.
GammaPhonic via Reddit.
Others decided to delve a bit more into the whole pitch-black situation because, as you can see and hear, the crowd seems to panic after the explosion, which, let’s remember, they caused.
Why do people always start screaming when the lights go out unexpectedly? Like sure it’s dark but what are you scared of? Monsters ?
loweyedfox via Reddit.
Ultimately, it is sad to see things like this because they are practically littering the environment. It is uncertain where this occurred, but regardless of the location, these things should not happen at all.