You might of heard of this little indie Title, you may have got it on the
You might have got it for free on PS Plus like I did on my PS4. If you’ve ever played the game though you’ll understand how frustrating it really is.
It’s name is Spelunky and it gives most normal people a headache playing it, its not about how fast you can finish it in my case, its the possibility of ever finishing it and considering I gave up a long time ago I don’t see that ever happening.
I haven’t got passed world 2. That took me about an hour, 3 hits and your out and starting again. Its relentless, I take no joy from experiences like this, I’m not precise enough to accomplish such feats, my hands shake, I worry, I blame the surroundings for my failures. It wasn’t my fault I fell of that cliff it was the f**king dog I swear.
Well not for some speed runners out there, one in particular achieved a crazy feet by beating the game on Hell mode, not normal……Hell mode, sounds awful doesn’t it, in a slightly mental time of 3 minutes and 44 seconds.

See for Youtuber D Tea the game must seem like some kind of a joke to him as he posted his world record speed run for the extra hard hell zone mode in record time.
On D tea’s Youtube video description he goes on to describe what went well for him and what could have been improved, praising luck and existing tactics that had been established in the speed running community.
He said:
“Very, very good run. This was a seed where pretty much everything went right, apart from a few small factors like not having a compass. The fast start, shopkeeper de-aggro on 3-4, and a 42 second hell were all amazing (and lucky) things that made this run good.
The only realistic time saves here are in the temple with the somewhat slow 4-2 and 4-3 as well as Olmec with the hell door spawn being on the right side. Also shoutout to Krille71 for finding a consistent way to use paste bombs on Olmec since it wouldn’t have been WR without it!”
Check it out for yourself:
I’ve already tarted sharing it with my friends on Facebook.
Absolutely Nuts in my opinion, I recommend giving the game a try and seeing if you can even finish it, then this will all make sense into why it’s such an impressive feet.
Have you ever finished Spelunky?
Hit me up in the comments below.