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All the wonder that happens in the Call of Duty Zombies storyline comes from a German scientist who waged revenge over cutting his budget for creating a wonder weapon called the “Wunderwaffe DG-2.” Edward Richtofen is an integral part of the Call of Duty Zombies narrative and he’s given life by the legendary Nolan North who’s voiced his dialogues and the best and memorable quotes. The Doctor has a ton to say in the game and cutscenes, but some of his lines have found their place in our memories while playing certain Zombies maps. Here’s the best of them.
10. “Do You Not Know Who I Am?!”

If there’s one thing that all versions of Richtofen have in common, that’s their ego. The feeling of superiority is what caused the Ultimis Edward Richtofen to betray Maxis and move on his own path. That’s why in different scenarios during in-game and cutscenes like the one for The Giant map, we hear Richtofen renouncing his dominance over the others: “Do you no know who I am?”
9. “Shtaaaabbbing!”

“Joy” and “Shtabing” are the common lines we hear from the Ultimis Edward Richtofen in the Call of Duty Zombies maps, especially when he’s out of ammo. In fact, Nolan North has many videos with fans in the community, and in most of them, “Shtabing” is a part of his sudden voice-overs for Edward Richtofen.
8. “Read It, Again”

We play over 4 games across several maps just to realize the cycle can not be broken as Dr. Monty sends the Primis back in time by the end of Revelations. However, things can change. In the Blood of The Dead intro cutscene we see Richtofen encountering a future version of himself that gives him the book of Kronorium, but this time, the details have changed. So while Edward pities “I’ve already read it,” he’s humbled to “read it, again.” This is where Richtofen learns about the dark future that awaits him on Alcatraz.
7. “I Have A Universe To Set Right. Thank You, And Goodbye”

I believe that Shadows of Evil is one of the best Call of Duty Zombies maps ever created. On Dimension 63, a group of sinners is constructed to find the Summoning Key. That’s their whole goal trying to escape the nightmare they’ve been put into. But after a ton of leg work for achieving the relic, Edward Richtofen shows up with one of his best quotes in the Call of Duty Zombies storyline that leaves the crew we’ve just met in cold ice.
6. “Trust Me, I’m A Doctor”

Just like reminding everyone who he is, whenever things go south, Edward Richtofen comes up with this one-liner. Maybe that’s how He controls Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo, right? In fact, they don’t understand what he’s doing at all, and that’s why Richtofen regains their trust with the simple words “I’m a doctor” every single time.
5. “There is So Much to Do…”

“Damn, these 115-induced delusions.” The time travel, a vessel for Maxis, gateways, all the info that Richtofen’s mind has to digest. These things meddle with his focus sometimes whenever you’re playing as the Doctor in Call of Duty Zombies maps like Origins, The Giant, Revelations, and many others. He reminds himself of the tasks he had to do in Origins, but it later becomes a bother for both the Primis and Ultimis versions of him.
4. “THE POWER! I Can Control Them All, I CAN DESTROY YOU ALL!”

In an evil act, Edward Richtofen switches bodies with Samantha Maxis who’s been trapped inside the MPD, and then gains the power to control the undead. That’s where Richtofen deems war to destroy everything and then says this iconic quote in Call of Duty Zombies the Moon map when he gets to feel the power of Aether for the first time.
3. “Goodbye, Doctor Maxis”

In a pivotal moment in the Call of Duty Zombies storyline, Edward Richtofen traps Ludvig Maxis and his daughter inside a teleport machine in Der Riese and sends them to the unknown. This evil plan is executed by one of the best memorable quotes by Edward Richtofen that started all the Call of Duty Zombies mayhem: “Goodbye, Doctor Maxis.”
2. “I am no fool. What I do, I do only to secure a better tomorrow.”

After killing different versions of himself, the crew questions the Doctor’s purpose over it. Edward Richtofen clears by one of his best quotes in the Call of Duty Zombies history, and he’s right, to be honest. The Primis Richtofen has done many things, but it’s always been to save the day and live through the cycle with his buddies.
1. “This Me Was The Nicest One… And You Won’t Even Remember”

There are several reasons to hate the Ultimis version of Edward Richtofen. Betraying his colleague, mercilessly teleporting a little girl to the Moon, and causing mayhem over universes are only a few of his wickedness. However, the Primis version of Richtofen that we see in Black Ops 4 is the one that actually cares about others and is willing to sacrifice himself for the good. But when he’s dying in cold blood, Richtofen says the best quotes anyone has ever said in the Call of Duty Zombies history.
“I honestly thought… you were going—going to let me bleed to death. It was so sad.” “I wanted to keep going.” The depressing part is that after his death, no one from the story really remembers this version of Richtofen who broke the cycle so that everything can change in the Zombies storyline. This is the second time that true CoD fans cried after losing Ghost and Roach in MW2.