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The MW2 integration of Warzone is probably the least favorite era of the Call of Duty Battle Royale experience. One year later, however, the MW3 Warzone came to redeem the free-to-play Call of Duty game with some of the best changes and step-backs to the classic Warzone formula. But even these modifications didn’t come without flaws.
Why It’s Bad: The Weapon Meta Was So Unbalanced

A good balance between the weapons in a game is settled whenever I, a player, get more options to choose from and enjoy playing with the weapons and equipment I like. I don’t mean all weapons should get buffed to the heavens, but at least there has to be one SMG that can match the meta shotgun at close range, right? In all the lobbies you enter in MW3 Warzone, all players are using the same meta weapons added within the new Season because the other guns are just bad.
Why It’s Good: Smooth Movement System

MW2 removed many movement features from its last generation of Call of Duty games. This included shooting weapons while sliding or canceling your slide to reset the tactical sprint. MW3 Warzone took all the criticism from last year and gave us one of the smoothest movement mechanic experiences in Call of Duty.
Why It’s Bad: The BR Map Looks Generic

Verdansk and Al-Mazrah shared one common feature: great POIs. Of course, Verdansk is the better map here, but even Al-Mazrah has a better feeling than Urzikestan. If you look at the MW3 Warzone BR map, it has lots of copy-pasted buildings and areas, making the map feel very generic in this sense.
Why It’s Good: Ranked Resurgence Was Fun

Only if the Ranked Play had better rewards, would it have been one of the best features added to the Call of Duty formula. During the Warzone 2.0 era of MW2, we had the BR Ranked Play, which was good, but why not go for a more chaotic game mode to implant the Ranked Play in? Resurgence Ranked Play of MW3 Warzone was a great addition.
Why It’s Bad: No Storyline

Honestly, it seems Infinity Ward has given up on the Modern Warfare story after the integration of Black Ops and Zombies into its lore. The MW3 Campaign was one of the worst in Call of Duty, and well, we got zero story continuation of it in Warzone Seasons — a nail in the coffin for sure.
Why It’s Good: Additional Perks and Gunsmith Improvements

MW2 came up with a 4 perks system, and it wasn’t so bad to complain about. But MW3 introduced a bunch of new additions to these perks, including some of the best ever. We’re talking Mountaineer and Irradiated as some of the best examples here, making the gameplay even more dynamic.
Why It’s Bad: Packet Burst Issues

Call of Duty is blessed with having the least netcoding issues unlike the so-called CoD killer XDefiant, but Price Almighty what’s with all the packet burst errors in MW3 Warzone? It happens that sometimes the servers choke, and players get frozen in the game and are kicked a bit afterward. This issue is always resolved after a few hours, but it’s still a pain to lose the final circle’s combat to the packet burst.
Why It’s Good: Weekly Challenges and Rewards

For sure, not all the Weekly Challenges are awesome and worth the grind, but at least we got some of the best conversion kits and camos with them. Turning the Lachmann Shroud into one stronger MP5 variant or converting the BP50 into an SMG were some of the best additions.
Why It’s Bad: Why Can’t I Play Solos?

The playlist update of MW3 Warzone is one huge cancer-causing pain that makes some players leave the game until their favorite maps/modes are returned. You play Duos with your mate all week, and then it’s removed for, like, one whole Season! What kind of decision-making is that? On top of that, when we have the map rotation system, why can’t everyone play the maps they like? Vondel Quads is probably one good example of this removing trend of MW3 Warzone.
Why It’s Good: Map Rotation System

Following the previous point, while removing the game modes and maps is the worst experience, the map rotation system is one hell of a solution to keep everyone happy. In some MW3 Warzone Seasons where we have all maps on the table, they’re featured in the rotation system where you get to play all playgrounds at certain times. I’d play one match of Rebirth Island, and the next rotation is my favorite Vondel; W!