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Most of us can find something to enjoy on Roblox whether you’re into action or RPG, solo or group play. But sometimes, you may encounter something less than ideal. Maybe you’ve stumbled upon what feels like a Roblox scam game that looks impossible to succeed in and only gets you to waste Robux on items that aren’t worth it, like some UGCs. Now, I don’t mean “scam,” as if these games are out to steal your personal information. Instead, I’m talking about the Roblox experiences that feel like a rip-off. The ones you’ll spend hours inside and get nowhere. These are the games you should think twice before playing.
5. UGC Don’t Move

UGC Don’t Move is one of many Roblox games that claim you can get free items if you follow the instructions, but it still feels scam-like. In this case: don’t move. That’s it. The longer you stay still, the more points you accumulate. These points can be spent on UGCs, as the name implies. Now, many have played and succeeded in earning some of these items. However, you need an absurd amount of points for the simplest items.
You can spend Robux for points though. But the highest price is 999 Robux for about 5 million points. Even then, you still cannot buy most of the UGCs as many start at 6 million, making this Roblox game feel more like a chore than anything else. Rather than spend more than a thousand Robux on average items, you can simply jump into the store and purchase better ones directly.
4. Free UGC Obby

It’s almost a pattern that many Roblox games that feel scam-like concern UGCs. In the case of Free UGC Obby, there are indeed items waiting for you at the end. By the time you get there, the so-called UGCs won’t feel worth the effort. First of all, there are 52 levels to this obby. It’s far from being the hardest challenge out there. If you’re an obby veteran, then you should soar past them. But nothing is exciting about these 52 levels.
And to make matters worse, when you reach the end, you get to spin for UGCs, right? Well, you spin for items in this game, but there’s a strong chance what you receive is something that Roblox already had in their stores, which gives off that scam feeling. It defeats the claim of offering free UGCs when they offer the standard items anyone can get in the shop. After 52 levels, you’re left wondering: what was the point?
3. Free Korblox & Headless and Valk Hangout

This Roblox game is more confusing than anything else. There’s not much here to actually do besides things like a simple obby. What got me about this is the use of the word “free” in the title. There’s nothing free besides scoring things like a magical rainbow carpet after finishing the glass obby.
Now, the dev states in the description that they’re not offering any free avatar items. You can try things on, but you must use Robux to buy anything. But here’s where the confusion lies. Why use the term “free” in the title of the game if nothing is free? The dev even said in the description that they don’t endorse scams, and their game doesn’t violate Roblox ToS. A statement like that sets off some alarms, and you’ll lose nothing by simply skipping out on this one.
2. Dice (by hazemn)

I’ve stumbled upon yet another Roblox game where the dev mentions that they’re not a scam in the description. It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement, but I tried it nonetheless. And Dice is as simple as it sounds. You simply roll the dice and reveal the code. Pay Robux to reveal the code ASAP. Otherwise, you can wait for the countdown to reveal the code.
Here’s the tricky part: the code doesn’t really work. At least, that’s been the case for myself and others I’ve seen who’ve critiqued the game. You don’t lose anything but time trying the codes out, so you can go see for yourself if you score anything.
1. Play For UGC!

Lastly, I must mention another UGC Roblox game that gives me that scam-like feeling. Play for UGC isn’t a full-blown rip-off, but the number of points you need to earn rather than basic UGCs is much like UGC Don’t Move. You’re dropped into the middle of a random obby of sorts, and if you succeed, you’ll earn points. Sometimes, you’ll actually get to do something. Other times, you just have to choose a platform and hope it doesn’t fall.
Checking out the “free” UGC category reveals items that don’t seem much better than what you can simply get in the store. Plus, you’ll need 900,000+ points to get one, while the minigames only reward you with around a thousand or less at a time. You’ll be in this game for quite some time if you ever want to get any UGCs for free.
And that’s only a handful of Roblox games I’ve crossed paths with that seem more scam-like than anything. They may not violate any terms, but they certainly seem out to milk you for playtime and Robux. Of course, many of the most popular games do the same, but they’re not promoting themselves as offering something for “free.” Just take care of what experiences you choose to enjoy, especially if you have kids in your life who will jump on these so-called opportunities.
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