There are quite a few professions that can easily put you in the sights of fame and fortune, but none so exciting and interesting as becoming a famous actor in BitLife. As the game grows and evolves, so do the many jobs within, as well as the processes necessary to obtain them. Becoming a famous actor can be quite time-consuming and rather tedious if you’re not prepared for the steps you’ll need to take, but it’s well worth it in the end. Let’s take a look at exactly how to become a famous actor in BitLife.
How to Become an Actor in BitLife
[Updated on March 14th – Added additional detail for each step]
There are two different routes you can go to become a famous actor in BitLife:
- Apply as a Voiceover Actor and work your way up to Lead Actor
- Buy the Actor Special Job Pack using real-world currency and audition for shows until you become famous
Before you pursue an acting career, you’ll want to ensure your character has an Acting special talent and high looks stats. If your character is not attractive or is not skilled at acting, it’ll be much harder to land a job as an actor. In order to set the special skill of your character, you should edit the Character Creation attributes and Special Talent.
Once you create a new character, age up until you turn eight-years-old. Head to Activities and select the Mind & Body tab to take Acting lessons. If your parents don’t allow you to take acting lessons, wait until you turn 18 to take them. This process can be repeated every year until you turn 18 for free if your parents agree to pay for each lesson.
If you’re looking for the free-to-play option of becoming a famous actor, head into the full-time job listings found under the Occupation tab and find the Voiceover Actor role. If you don’t see it immediately, age up or restart the BitLife app. Apply for the role and pass the interview to become an actor. Continue to work hard and gain promotions until you become famous.
Alternatively, if you own the Actor Job Pack, head to the Special Careers category and choose Actor. If you’re just starting, audition for Extra roles in movies and television shows. The perks of having high looks stats and acting skills are especially noticeable here since you’ll gain more opportunities the higher they both are. You can also hire a Talent Agent if you’re struggling to find any spots. Over time, you’ll gain contract opportunities for movies. Accept them and continue acting in movies and television shows until you become famous.
BitLife is available on mobile devices from the App Store and Google Play Store.