Elon Musk just can’t keep out of the news at the moment. For some reason, the world’s richest man has recently been loudly voicing his opinion on British politics. A fact which hasn’t gone unnoticed by the British public. British politics channel PoliticsJOE has interviewed some Brits to find their thoughts on the billionaire. It’s fair to say the responses are as blunt and candid as you might expect, not to mention at times hilarious.
As you might expect from Brits, the interviewees don’t hold back in their damming assessment of Musk and his meddling in British politics. The general consensus is that he shouldn’t be busying himself in the current affairs of a nation that he has no affiliation to whatsoever. One interviewee describes the Tesla CEO as “dangerous for democracy,” and it’s hard to disagree with the appraisal. The last thing Britain needs right now is the left-right political spectrum to continue to widen. The interviewee continues to suggest that Musk is looking to “polarize” British politics, where “there’s no common ground” and you’re either “for or against.”
It’s still not entirely clear why Elon Musk keeps interfering with British affairs. One interviewee speculated that Musk “wants to take over the world.” While it may seem a little far-fetched, it does feel like he has aspirations to broaden his sphere of influence beyond the considerable power he now holds in the United States thanks to his upcoming position in the Trump administration. Others, however, surmised that Musk is just after attention, a “rich boy playing games.”
The British economy is stagnating, and most people find their living standards continue to decline. It’s therefore not surprising to see the anti-billionaire sentiment. Whatever your position on wealth inequality, however, there’s no denying Musk’s involvement in British affairs is controversial in the extreme.
It’s also particularly noteworthy just well informed the interviewees seem to be. The Brits interviewed are considered in their responses and knowledgeable about Musk’s recent activities. Of course, the individuals would have been selected on the strength of their responses. Nevertheless, it’s clear that many Brits aren’t happy with Elon Musk’s involvement in British politics. As one interviewee neatly summarised, Musk is “so divisive.” Whatever your opinion on him, his involvement in British affairs has certainly stirred up a storm.
One interviewee was even more blunt: “I just think they’re all f******* w*******, to be honest.” Well, that’s one way of putting it. I’m sure he’s not alone in that assessment, either.