We already know that messing up with the thermostat is more serious when many people are in the same place. However, who would have thought we should also be careful around these electronic devices. For example, on Reddit, this user shared how a smart thermostat ratted him out with a fart alert. There is nothing more embarrassing than being discovered after breaking wind, even if that was an accident, but with this begins the betrayal of machines against humans. What a relief that it wasn’t me.
On Reddit, the user 6854wiggles posted in r/funny how they were sharing a wonderful time at their friend’s house. Everyone was in the living room when the OP felt their stomach feel strange, so they sneaked out from the living room at the same time they tried to pass gas discreetly. Unfortunately, when the OP finished, they saw how the smart thermostat was just there, next to them. Not only that, but the smart thermostat is a very fancy one, a device that also tests the air quality, and with the fart, it sent an alert to OP’s friend’s phone saying it needed a change of filters. For the OP, it was impossible not to come clean with their friend, telling them they were responsible for the alert and that their friend thankfully didn’t need another filter.
If you read the alert closely, it says the air quality is poor, as it contains “high volatile organic compounds and carbon dioxide.” So, the smart thermostat sampled a very toxic fart. Meanwhile, some Redditors took this post as a challenge:
Some users also say they will try to go all the way up in the bar to reach the maximum red/poor oxygen levels. If so, do so at your own risk; I wouldn’t want to anger any tech gadgets for fear of embarrassment.