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Today, the Sun and Moon are making interesting moves that might put you in a position that could emotionally overwhelm you. Early in the morning, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces, which can be a great thing for some, however, later on when the Virgo Moon moves to oppose Venus in Pisces, we’ll face some inner turmoil that might just counteract the effects of the sun. While it won’t be the most impossible the get through, there are a few Zodiac signs that will surely struggle today.
This morning, you’ll probably find yourself facing some pretty strong nerves. However, be sure not to let your expectations get the best of you. Try to keep a steady head. The ideal situation would be perfection, but with the Sun and Moon doing some wacky stuff and making connections that aren’t the most ideal for you, you need to keep in mind that perfection isn’t always attainable. Later on, your energy will pick up and you’ll be able to keep a clear head about the steps before you. However, tonight, take some time by yourself to push your progress in your career and personal projects.
You’re talented and skilled, but today with the moon in alignment with Jupiter, you should consider and appreciate those achievements you’ve earned. Before you can build on those talents or skills, you’ll need to see your own strengths. Later on when Mercury moves into your Ninth House, you’ll be able to see much more clearly and get in touch with your more intuitive side. This can be boosted greatly by meditating. You might find yourself in need of guidance later on this evening, but it’s a perfect time to reach out and ask for help from those who love you if you need it. Don’t put too much on your plate if you don’t need to.
Today, you’ll have some struggles with your emotions. They’ll seem overwhelming and never-ending, and as the Virgo Moon squares Jupiter, you might find that it’s hard to find someone to listen to you. Combat this by being careful with your vulnerabilities and only opening up to those you entirely trust. However, let on once Mercury shows up, it’ll bring with it the clarity you need to rid yourself of the overwhelming emotions and process them properly. Moving forward, focus on lessons you’ve learned int he past and avoid bad signs that could appear to you throughout the night, and make sure you spend some serious time relaxing.
The moon isn’t working in your favor today as the overwhelming energy floods in. To deal with it, it’d be a great idea to distance yourself from anything that takes up too much mental weight and give yourself plenty of time to process things as they appear today. Keep in mind that when things get to be too much, it’s perfectly okay to spend some time alone. Later, however, things will chill out a bit and you’ll have a much easier time connecting with others, loving, and above all, laughing. Tonight is the perfect time for you to get out there and build on your romantic relationships and embrace the attention they give you.
Today, you might feel like you need to rush, rush, rush, but taking a moment to slow down and take in your surroundings fully is going to be very beneficial to you. Shut off your phone, turn the PC, consoles, and tv off, and just spend some time embracing the universe and all she has to offer today. Self care is an absolute must with the alignments going on in the sky today; buy yourself that thing you’ve been wanting, focus on your skincare, maybe do a bit of cleaning. Gear up for a peaceful and connected night this evening though, when your relationship with your inner circle thrives on the energy the moon brings.
As the moon continues through your sign today, you have all the tools you need to write your own success today. Focus on your motivations, your goals, and your dreams, and take steps to make those things a reality. Be sure you focus on goals that will bring you both closer to your roots and closer to being the best version of yourself. In the afternoon, don’t be afraid to be as social as possible, form new friendships. Today is all about your creativity and motivation, so start a new project, work on an existing project, or brainstorm new things to work on.
While others might be facing overwhelming emotions and feelings today, the position of the planets is doing much more good than harm for you today, Libra. Focus on being grateful for the things you have, your skills and talents, your friends and loved ones. Though, you should ensure you don’t forget that gratitude when Mercury shows its face later on and you have some time to really face the issues and emotions that you’ve been avoiding. When it comes to your relationships, approach any conflicts with love, and you will be your relationship grow to new levels.
Today, you’ll probably struggle with communication a bit due to the Virgo Moon’s connections and alignments. However, don’t feel about about avoiding certain people that don’t don’t feel that “spark” with. As the day goes on and we enter the afternoon, that spark will come back and you’ll be able to speak freely and happily with them. Later on today though, you’ll want to spend a bit of time learning. This can be anything. Learn a new skill, do some reading, or maybe work on some educational classes. Either way, ground yourself in knowledge before this evening when the moon rises, as you’ll find it hard to stay focused.
Things are going to feel pretty boring, so don’t be afraid to try to spice up your day at work in any way you deem fit. Though, it might not be a bad idea to spice it up when it comes to your relationships either. The result will be great, offering potential new opportunities at work and long-term success in your romantic relationships. Be ready to speak with the higher-ups at work about new money making opportunities, raises, and new strategies as the stars are aligning to ensure that you have a financially successful day. Later on this evening, you might feel like you’ve exhausted all of your energy for the day, so be wary of your needs, both physical and emotional, and cater to them as you need.
Today, you’ll find that you have everything you need to accomplish things today. In order to make sure you stay on task and don’t get distracted, however, you’ll need to put a little extra focus on organization, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you bite off more than you can chew. Later on in the afternoon, you should spend some time speaking with your friends and loved ones about your hopes and dreams, passively manifesting them. This evening when the moon rises, expect to see success in your romantic and platonic relationships.
Today, you’re going to have an overwhelming urge to cut people off and shove away those who don’t support you, your goals, your interests, and your growth. That’s fine though. You don’t need to win them over. Instead, spend some time with the people who stick around and accept you for who you are. Later on, when Mercury shows its face, be sure to spend some time working on improving yourself and focusing on your dreams and goals. Be aware of the roadblocks in your way and strategize new methods of overcoming and getting around them. Later on this evening, spend a bit of money on yourself, as a treat, but don’t spend too much.
Your emotions will be absolutely overwhelming and strong today. Don’t try to quiet them, not when they have to do with love. With as much as you’ll be feeling, you need to share the happy emotions with those you love, which will only help your relationships grow and succeed. Late on, though, spend some time thinking about what truly matters to you, and don’t for a second, think that you can’t stand up for what you believe in and need to grow as an individual. In fact, this is the perfect time to, but ensure that you’re thinking of others as well when you make that stand.