I’ve written up many stories for our Human Interest vertical that center on women being harassed unnecessarily. Unfortunately, it’s been proven time and time again that as a woman, you need to be careful of your surroundings, even in public places. One woman managed to grab a video of a man who had groped her shortly after she tapped him through the turnstile at the Fullerton stop in Chicago, Illinois.
The above video takes place after the man had tried to grope the woman, who then turned her camera toward him in case he tried to do something again. The woman very deliberately tells the man that she doesn’t feel comfortable standing next to him as he paces up and down the train platform. While claiming to find a staircase to cross to the other platform, he continues to walk past the woman, making her increasingly uncomfortable.
According to the caption, he had groped her shortly after she helped tap him in so that he could board the train. However, she didn’t realize that he was Michael Eugene Anderson, and that he was planning just one of the many assaults he’s been a part of. The suspect’s name became clear after several comments under the video identified him or shared similar stories.
“This is the third video today! He needs to be locked up”
He’s apparently infamous in the Chicago area for assaulting woman and walking through the blue line to accomplish this. Fortunately, this woman just got a recording of him before anything worse could have happened.
Judging by the emptiness of the platform she was on, it’s likely that the suspect had hoped no one would be able to see. However, he probably wasn’t expecting her to pull out her phone as fast as she did, especially considering how fast he tried to flee. Hopefully, he is officially apprehended so that no one needs to feel scared to utilize public transportation in the area again.