People usually have two very common reactions when there are dangerous and risky situations: flee or fight. In general, when there is so much adrenaline, it’s difficult to know how anyone, including ourselves, will react. The main thing is to get out of danger and then analyze the situation. However, according to this video on Reddit, an Iowa man trying to run away from a fire ended up damaging private property. At least the man and the people around him are safe, but paying for all the repairs will cost him dearly.
Redditor Epileptic_Ebola shared this unfortunate incident on the subreddit r/AbruptChaos. In the video, there are only two vans parked next to each other, but in one of them, there is a fire. There is also a woman screaming, and that’s when we see her talking to a man in the other van. The fire becomes more intense, and the driver frantically puts the pedal to metal to get away. The Iowa man’s reaction is so fast that it’s only when he is far away from the fire that he realizes he drove into the building nearby, damaging private property. The driver sped off so fast, he crashed into the wall near the screaming woman and broke a brick pillar.
The good news is that the man managed to escape the danger in time; not even the truck suffered a significant blow or scratch despite breaking through a sturdy concrete wall.
Another point that has caught the attention of many is the intense fire that started in the other truck, which many attribute to a fault in the vehicle or a malfunction. Still, the most important thing is that this accident had no casualties, and I hope — for the sake of the Iowa man — it’s not too expensive to repair the building.