For safety reasons, everyone should be cautious and alert to their surroundings when walking down the street. This is only normal, but I couldn’t imagine being concerned about a car inside a sports field. It turns out that anyone should always be alert because the most impossible accidents do happen. This Reddit video shows a group of people getting run over by an electric go-kart on a football field. The most surprising thing was that this vehicle didn’t have a driver.
That’s right; this group of people, who looked like sports staff, managers, and even coaches, were talking on the football field very calmly. However, as we see in the Reddit video, an electric kart on the side advanced by itself, running over the whole group of people and taking its first victim with it. Fortunately, the man could get off quickly, and someone else stopped the go-kart. What caused this accident was some objects that fell down and pressed the go-kart’s pedals.
He got thrust into the trolley problem.
Many found the reaction of the trapped finger man amusing, and others even criticized him.
Dude could steer it, could have sat up and found the brakes, but just rolls off like it’s headed over a cliff
The man maneuvered to avoid further incidents even though he was the first to receive the hit and was in a difficult position. This man could drive the electric kart away from other people, analyze the situation, and escape danger while dazed.
I’ll give him props for having enough sense after being rammed by a kart to steer it away from anyone infront before bailing.
Fortunately, no one in this Reddit story was seriously injured after being run over, mainly because the electric kart is lighter than a regular car and was going slower. The story’s moral may be always to be alert no matter where you are. If you find yourself in a delicate situation, always seek to get yourself to safety first. Then, see how to resolve the conflict or leave it to the experts. And for an extra safety layer, always check for any possessed vehicles nearby.