ICE is spreading through the country, picking and choosing people to deport with haste, and often not thinking before they act. Breaking up families, profiling legal citizens, almost nothing good comes from ICE acting bullish. This time, ICE arrested some hard-working roofers in Duluth who were in the middle of a job. In the dead of Winter nonetheless, leaving the community highly upset.
Roofing is a painstaking job, even in the best conditions. But roofing in Minnesota during the winter is brutal, labor-intensive work, and many people avoid it entirely. According to Northern News Now, Duluth local police weren’t even aware of any immigration enforcement. The Chief of police stated the following.
DPD’s public safety response remains the same. Our main priority has been and always will be the safety and security of our community, We weren’t involved in any immigration incidents and weren’t informed of actions occurring in our community.
On Reddit, where lasgna_lover shared the post and news of the incident on the r/Minnesota page, several people were upset by the news.
“Roofing is just about the worst profession on earth. Of all the targets you pick the hardest working ones…”
“not only that but they pulled them from a jobsite. Someone has an unfinished roof on top of this. They could be focusing on people causing problems in the community but ICE is BEING the problem!”
“And they also arrested the business owners who hired them, right? Right????”
“Still no investigations or consequences for the people that hire illegal immigrants?”
There is still no official word on why these roofers were targeted, nor is there any information on whether the person getting their roof fixed in the first place will get any help. One thing is for sure, though: ICE is showing no signs of slowing down.