Every day, various companies receive customer complaint calls, and the bosses must intercede to solve each problem. Some companies manage to fix the issues, others ignore those affected, and some customers just want to take advantage of the situation. However, there are unique cases, as in this Reddit video in which the Airbnb CEO says that the most unusual complaint was a customer asking for a full refund because there was a ghost in the rental. This complaint sure became a big gossip inside the company.
Redditor ASH_National shared on the subreddit r/funny a snippet of an interview with the Airbnb CEO. In the Reddit video, the interviewer asks his guest what the most ridiculous customer complaint was, to which the Airbnb CEO replied that it was a full refund because of a ghost. In his story, the CEO says that his team had to contact the Airbnb owners to verify the ghost, but far from denying it, the lessor added that it was a friendly ghost and that it was described in the ad. Incredulous, the complaints department returned with the upset customer, who said they knew about the ghost, but it wasn’t friendly and bothered them all night.
Unfortunately, the video does not show a resolution to the conflict between landlord and tenant. Yet, Airbnb has several cases of very vague rules for not having to help those affected by using their app. For example, instances where renters damage the property and do not pay the owner. Or cases where renters had a terrible experience with the landlord and ended up evicted from Airbnb, leaving them on the street with no other options.
There is also the option that this is just a story the CEO tells to get the attention of potential customers.
Whether true or false, we must admit that this is a great story, and most likely, many people will end up convinced to use or continue using Airbnb. Even so, I wouldn’t rent any house with a ghost in the description.