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It might be my inner weeb talking, but Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, has one of the best Battle Passes we’ve seen, so completing the weekly quests should be a priority for those who share the same opinion. As always, we’re in for a lengthy season full of missions to tackle, and while a few of them are self-explanatory and easy to complete, others require out-of-the-box thinking. Here, we’ve made a quick guide for each weekly quest coming into the Battle Royale’s new chapter and season.
[Updated on January 22, 2025 – Added Week 7 quests]
Week 0

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, kicked off with a few easy weekly quests for players to tackle. Most of them can be completed during a match, while others require a bit of exploring and a lot of luck.
Quest | Amount | Experience |
Crack Enemy Shields at Nightshift Forest, Magic Mosses, or Rolling Blossoms Farm | 10 | 25,000 |
Eliminate An Opponent with the Suppressed Pistol | 1 | 25,000 |
Collect Boons | 3 | 25,000 |
Search Different Types of Containers | 4 | 25,000 |
Collect Weapons from Eliminated Players | 10 | 25,000 |
Crack Enemy Shields at Nightshift Forest, Magic Mosses, or Rolling Blossoms Farm
It might sound like a difficult weekly quest in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, but it is actually pretty easy to do, assuming you have a good aim. All you need to do is land on any of these new locations and shoot enemies until you crack their shields. Do this ten times to complete the task.
Eliminate An Opponent with the Suppressed Pistol
One of the new weapons in this chapter is the beloved Suppressed Pistol. You need to eliminate one player with it. The rarity of the weapon doesn’t matter.
Collect Boons
Boons are new items that provide your character with a buff during the match. You can find them as boss drops or from any of the new chests scattered across the map. The former is the easiest way to get them. Collect three to complete the quest. They are a bit scarce, so you might have to play a few matches before seeing all three. Also, they don’t have to be different.
Search Different Types of Containers

This one might be a bit confusing as it only mentions four containers, but that doesn’t mean opening four chests and calling it a day. You must open four different containers, meaning you can open an ammo box, a normal chest, a blue chest, etc., to complete the quest.
Collect Weapons from Eliminated Players
Whenever you eliminate a player, grab their weapons. You don’t need to keep their guns. As long as you pick them up, you can then throw them away and grab the guns you had. Just remember to pick stuff up to complete the mission.
Week 1

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Collect a Void Oni Mask in Different Matches | 3 | 25,000 |
Give Weapons to an Earth Sprite | 1 | 25,000 |
Eliminate Players With Headshots | 3 | 25,000 |
Collect Epic or Better Weapons | 15 | 25,000 |
Hit Opponents With a Melee Weapon | 15 | 25,000 |
Collect a Void Oni Mask in Different Matches

Kicking off the weekly quests of week 1 in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, we have one that tasks you with collecting Void Oni Masks in three different matches. The easiest way to obtain these items is by finding the new rare chests of this season. We’ve almost one each match in Warrior’s Watch, Shogun’s Solitude, and Demon’s Dojo. These aren’t the only locations, of course, and you might find them in other ones. However, they’ve been more common here, at least for us.
Give Weapons to an Earth Sprite
If you remember the season’s trailer, you might’ve noticed a tree-like creature in it. These are the Earth Sprites. You can find one under the bridge South of Demon’s Dojo.
Eliminate Players With Headshots
In this weekly quest that revolves around shooting, you have to eliminate three players with headshots. The new silenced SMGs are great for this because their spread isn’t too high.
Collect Epic or Better Weapons
While weapon drops are random, we found a way to finish this quest as fast as possible. If you land on Warrior’s Watch, you’ll see two Typhoon Blades in the largest building. Grab them for two quick epic weapons for the total count. Also, some enemies tend to spawn there, and defeating the big one usually gives you a few good weapons. If you do this, you’ll have 5 of the 15 you need for the quest. You can obtain the rest from chests and eliminated players.
Hit Opponents With a Melee Weapon

You’ll be using Typhoon Blades as your melee weapon for this mission. Land on Warrior’s Watch and grab a blade from the largest building to start hitting enemies.
Week 2

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Destroy Rocks with Melee Weapons | 5 | 25,000 |
Collect Ammo While You Have a Specialist Hired | 100 | 25,000 |
Travel Distance While Swimming | 250 | 25,000 |
Headshot Players Before the First Storm Circle Closes | 3 | 25,000 |
Eliminate an Opponent With the Typhoon Blade in Different Matches | 2 | 25,000 |
Destroy Rocks with Melee Weapons
These weekly quests for Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, are a bit weird, especially this one. Yet, I think the game wants to channel our inner warriors. Whenever you find a Typhoon Blade, start slicing some stones with it. Do this five times to complete the task.
Collect Ammo While You Have a Specialist Hired

This one is quite easy, as you only have to track it from your quest list, which will show the specialists’ locations. Head to any of these places, land safely, hire the specialist, and grab some ammo.
Travel Distance While Swimming
Probably the easiest one of the week. Just find a body of water and start swimming. Just make sure there aren’t any enemies around that can sink you.
Headshot Players Before the First Storm Circle Closes
This one will be tricky, as you need to do everything before the first storm circle closes. The easiest way to tackle this one is by landing on a busy spot and spraying and praying, as the kids say. Just hope you land a few headshots during the first storm circle.
Eliminate an Opponent With the Typhoon Blade in Different Matches
With how powerful the Typhoon Blades are, you shouldn’t have a problem. Just grab one from the usual spawn points, such as Warrior’s Watch, and slice a few enemies up. You’ll need to repeat this in different matches, though.
Week 3

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Eliminate Opponents With the Fire Oni Mask | 5 | 25,000 |
Gain Shields Within 15 Seconds of Being Damaged by An Opponent | 250 | 25,000 |
Travel Distance in Nightfall Forest | 500 | 25,000 |
Hit Demons While in a Vehicle | 3 | 25,000 |
Collect a Sprite and Pick Up a Boon in the Same Match | 2 | 25,000 |
Eliminate Opponents With the Fire Oni Mask
This one is one of the trickiest weekly quests in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, especially due to the required item. However, there’s a place that guarantees a few mask drops. Head to Daigo’s workshop in Masked Meadows, and you’ll get two masks from the machine, one of them being the Fire Oni Mask. Defeating enemies with it is also heard, so as a recommendation, get their shields down first and then finish them off with the mask’s attack.
Gain Shields Within 15 Seconds of Being Damaged by An Opponent
You might be able to finish this as soon as you land, but it is mostly a matter of luck. To make this quest easier, always have some small shield potions on you. Engage a few enemies, and once you lose your shield, run away and drink the potion. This is how I completed it, at least.
Travel Distance in Nightfall Forest
It’s one of the easiest quests of the week. Land on Nightfall Forest and just roam around until you complete the task.
Hit Demons While in a Vehicle

We found out that you don’t have to hit different demons while driving a car; hitting one does the trick. Locate a vehicle and head to any of the demon’s locations on the map. If you’re driving, swap sweats and shoot at a demon five times.
Collect a Sprite and Pick Up a Boon in the Same Match
This one is also easy if you know where to find Sprites. The easiest way to locate them is by looking for the white beams of light on the map. Usually, Sprites roam around the Shrines. Grab one and return it to the Shrine to obtain a boon, thus completing both parts of the quest.
Week 4

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Hit an Opponent With Typhoon Blade While on a Motorcycle | 1 | 25,000 |
Travel Distance Through the Air in a Vehicle | 500 | 25,000 |
Damage Opponents Within 30 Seconds of Gliding | 250 | 25,000 |
Damage Opponents in Shogun’s Arena | 300 | 25,000 |
Reload Weapons Within 30 Seconds After Damaging an Opponent | 30 | 25,000 |
Hit an Opponent With Typhoon Blade While on a Motorcycle
Out of all the weekly quests of Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, Week 4, this one requires the most skill. You need to grab a motorcycle and a typhoon blade, with the latter being the big challenge and then hitting players with it. Bringing a buddy is better for this quest to keep each other safe or call out other players, but since you only need to hit a player once, you might be able to do it solo, too.
Travel Distance Through the Air in a Vehicle
Just grab any vehicle on the map and launch yourself into the air. You can jump off a cliff, hit a launcher with a vehicle, or anything really. You can do this in a match as long as you have a vehicle and a point from which you can jump off.
Damage Opponents Within 30 Seconds of Gliding

The easiest way to complete this quest, and might even be easier to do it in two or three separate matches, is by finding a spot where many players are landing and start shooting. Try to follow a player until they land and grab a weapon to hunt them down. It took me four matches to finish this one.
Damage Opponents in Shogun’s Arena
Do you know that red island that appears almost at the end of a match? That’s Shogun’s Arena. Survive enough for it to spawn and head toward it to start blasting opponents.
Reload Weapons Within 30 Seconds After Damaging an Opponent
Another easy quest of the week. Just damage players and reload your weapon afterward. You’ll likely finish this one without even noticing it.
Week 5

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Gain Shields With Chug Splash or Chili Chug Splash | 200 | 25,000 |
Search Chests at Magic Mosses | 3 | 25,000 |
Travel Distance in Vehicles | 2,500 | 25,000 |
Collect Items from Eliminated Demons | 10 | 25,000 |
Damage Opponents While Aiming Down Sights | 500 | 25,000 |
Gain Shields With Chug Splash or Chili Chug Splash
You might have to do this in two different matches or one if you receive enough damage. Find any of the necessary items for the quest and restore shields with them. Two full shield bars (up to 100) should do the trick.
Search Chests at Magic Mosses

The easiest way to complete this weekly quest in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, is by landing on the marker placed on your map, that’s where a house is. This house usually has three to four chests, so you should be able to finish this mission quickly.
Travel Distance in Vehicles
Grab your favorite vehicle and drive around the map. We did this right after landing, and you can tackle it in one match.
Collect Items from Eliminated Demons
Remember to look for the samurai-like icon on the map and defeat the demons. Grab what they drop afterward.
Damage Opponents While Aiming Down Sights
This is another quest that you’ll complete without even noticing. Just aim your weapon and shoot at enemies. It doesn’t matter what gun you use.
Week 6

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Catch an Air Sprite and a Water Sprite in a Single Match | 2 | 25,000 |
Eliminate Players With Epic of Better Assault Rifles | 5 | 25,000 |
Land at Named Locations in Different Matches | 3 | 25,000 |
Purchase Items or Services From Characters or Vending Machines | 3 | 25,000 |
Damage Opponents While in a Vehicle | 100 | 25,000 |
Catch an Air Sprite and a Water Sprite in a Single Match

The easiest to complete this quest is by heading to any of the Shrines. You can locate them by following the white beam of light. There are always Sprites around them, and always one of Air and one of Water, so you can complete this one quickly.
Eliminate Players With Epic of Better Assault Rifles
With the Earth Sprites finally marked on the map, the easiest way to get an Epic or better assault rifle is by obtaining a blue one and giving it to these Sprites. After that, defeat five enemies with your new weapon.
Land at Named Locations in Different Matches
You’ll need to do this task in three different matches, so just make sure you land at a named location.
Purchase Items or Services From Characters or Vending Machines

You can find vending machines almost everywhere. From what we saw, you can complete this quest by buying ammunition only, in case you don’t want to spend your gold bars on weapons, which are a bit more expensive.
Damage Opponents While in a Vehicle
The easiest way to complete this quest is by riding a motorcycle and shooting, especially if you play solo. You don’t have to defeat enemies for it, so you can just shoot at them and run away.
Week 7

Quest | Amount | Experience |
Collect An Oni Mask in Different Matches | 3 | 25,000 |
Eliminate Players With Shotguns | 5 | 25,000 |
Gain Health or Shields While You Have a Specialist | 50 | 25,000 |
Headshot Players From Combined Distance | 150 | 25,000 |
Light Campfires | 2 | 25,000 |
Collect An Oni Mask in Different Matches
For the weekly quests of Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1, Week 7, we’ll begin with the good old Oni Masks. As always, the best place to find them is in Daigo’s workshop, but you can also try your luck with any of the chests around the map.
Eliminate Players With Shotguns
This one is quite easy, as shotguns are some of the easiest weapons you can use to obliterate players in seconds. Just remember to use the jump-and-shoot tactic to eliminate your opponents quickly.
Gain Health or Shields While You Have a Specialist

This one might be a bit challenging because you need to rush to get a Specialist first. Fortunately, you have them on your map, so as long as you know where to land, this should be quick. After that, just get your shields up to complete the quest.
Headshot Players From Combined Distance
The wording of this quest might seem a bit strange, but all you have to do is headshot players for a total of 150 damage.
Light Campfires

The easiest way to find campfires in Fortnite is by driving around bodies of water or looking for tents near the roads. Just light two of them to complete the task.
As always, we’ll update this guide as soon as new weekly quests become available in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1. Furthermore, remember that there are many more quests that will let you earn even more experience. You have the Reboot Quests, Story Quests, and many more. So, keep an eye out for those objectives before jumping off the bus.