You can’t ignore items like Idols in Last Epoch. Throughout your journey, you face off against numerous strong enemies, so you need the right tools in your arsenal to survive. Idols are such tools. They can help shape your build as they offer bonuses and buffs. Idols only work if you know how to use them. Also, they take up space in a designated inventory, so proper placement is key too.
Last Epoch Idol Guide

There’s a nice variety of Idols in Last Epoch, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble adapting your build. Before we figure out the best way to use them, we should at least understand their basic stats. The table below features the main types of Idols you can receive:
Idol Type | Size | Prefixes | Suffixes |
Small Idol | 1×1 | Damage over Time, Dodge Rating, HP Regen, Healing Effectiveness, Stun Chance | Non-Elemental Resistance, Shared Non-Elemental Damage |
Humble Idol | 2×1 | Bleed Chance on Hit, Poison Chance on Hit, Health on Kill, Stun Duration, Vitality | Non-Elemental Resistance, Shared Non-Elemental Damage |
Stout Idol | 1×2 | Ward Gained on Hit, Ignite Chance on Hit, Shock Chance on Hit, Critical Strike Chance, Freeze Rate Multiplier, Health, Potion HP converted to Ward | Elemental Resistance, Health, Shared Elemental Damage |
Adorned Idol | 2×2 | Varied effects with some class-specific augments | Varied effects with some class-specific augments |
Grand Idol | 3×1 | Varied effects with some class-specific augments, Transformation augments | Varied effects with some class-specific augments, Non-Elemental Resistance, Shared Non-Elemental Damage |
Large Idol | 1×3 | Varied effects with some class-specific augments | Varied with mostly Damage and Defenses |
Ornate Idol | 4×1 | Varied effects with few class-specific augments and offensive augments | Varied with mostly Buffs and Ailments, Non-Elemental Resistance, Shared Non-Elemental Damage |
Huge Idol | 1×4 | Varied effects with mostly class-specific augments | Varied with mostly Damage, Ailments, and Defenses |
The above table contains the main Idol categories in Last Epoch, but within them are several different Idols. For instance, there’s a Grand Glass Idol specific for Mages and a Large Nomad Idol specific for Primalist.
Understanding Idol Stats
In Last Epoch, the effects of Idols change based on size. The larger they are, the greater the buff. Also, large Idols are always class-specific, giving you more opportunity to adapt to a specific build. As for prefixes and suffixes, they’re your active and passive abilities, respectively.
Idols are also placed in their designated area in Last Epoch. But there are only a set amount of slots. That’s why it’s best to focus on the size of each Idol in correspondence to the buffs you want on your character. Every slot isn’t open at first, either. You must go through the various chapters to unlock them.
Last Epoch: Starter GuideIdols and Builds in Last Epoch
Idols are as handy as any other gear in Last Epoch when it comes to adapting your playstyle. Let’s use the Acolyte with the master class Lich as an example. The skill already poisons enemies near you or by the trail you leave behind, but it also offers you 50% less Poison damage taken while active. Say you add the Vile Ornate Bone Idol of Suspension to the mix. The Idol will increase your Poison damage and also give you a buff of less damage taken over time. A win-win.
Consider how you use your character’s skills to help determine which Last Epoch Idols are worth taking up a slot. Some overlapping abilities in different Idols may stack, too, so keep that in mind when building your character.
Last Epoch is available on PC.