For The King 2 features various status effect that not only annoys but can also have a devastating effect if not cured. For example, outside of straightforward effects like Burn, Poison, and Stun, there are also effects like Entangled, Cursed, or Acid. These status effects are wild and can randomly destroy your party member‘s gear. We will break down all of these debuffs and how to avoid and take care of them.

For more details on what status effect you should prioritize curing, below is their list in For The King 2. The Shocked and Acid status effects are particularly devastating, so take special care to mitigate them on your adventures.
Status Effect | Cure | Effect |
Acid | N/A | Acid puddle on tiles that will disintegrate a character’s equipment randomly. Lasts for the duration of combat. |
Bleed | Panax | Takes damage in every turn. Lasts for the duration of the fight if not healed. |
Burn | Panax, Frozen | This For The King 2 status deals tick damage over the course of battle until cured. Can be afflicted by attacks and burning tiles. |
Confusion | Cure | The character will perform random Actions, including Fleeing. Will eventually wear off if not healed. |
Cursed | Blessing, Hag’s Bane, Precious Pearl | The character takes a -25 penalty to one stat. Will not wear off even after combat and has to be cured. – Blind: Awareness penalty – Clumsy: Talent penalty – Feeble: Strength penalty – Foolish: Intelligence penalty – Lethargic: Speed penalty – Unwell: Vitality penalty – Unlucky: Luck penalty |
Dazed | N/A | Cannot perform Secondary Action, like using items or moving, in the next turn. |
Death Mark | Win or escape the battle | The character will die instantly after a few turns. This For The King 2 status effect cannot be cured. You have to end the combat for it to be gone. |
Entangled | Cure, Precious Pearl | Unable to perform physical attacks or move. Extremely dangerous if your character relies heavily on positioning. |
Fleeing | N/A | 100% chance of running away from battle in the next turn. Affects enemies only. |
Frozen | Healer, Panax | Takes an additional 25% damage from attacks. This For The King 2 status can cure the Burn effect. |
Petrified | Cure, Precious Pearl | The character turned into stone. Cannot act until they are hit or the effect wears off. Lasts for up to 3 turns. |
Poisoned | Cure, Firesilk, Panax, Precious Pearl | Takes a -5 penalty to all stats and takes tick damage at the end of every overworld turn or dungeon Encounter. Lasts for several status effect procs. Can stack. If stack, the end of the duration will only reduce 1 Poison stack. |
Scared | Precious Pearl | The character will try to run in the next turn, or hide if running isn’t possible. |
Shocked | Focus, Precious Pearl, Panax | The character’s first roll will always fail for as long as the effect lasts. Spending a Focus point for a guaranteed roll can override its effect. |
Stunned | N/A | Cannot perform any Action in the next turn. |
Wet | Cure, Panax, Precious Pearl | Removes immunities and other effects for a short turn. |