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In Roblox Clip It, Tix have been scattered across six different environments in celebration of The Classic Event and, truthfully, were pretty tough to find. Some are placed more or less out in the open, but a couple had me thinking outside the box. Luckily for you, most of the work is done and it’s just up to you to follow through. There are as many as 10 Tix in Clip It, so we’ve got out work cut out for us!
Tix Location #1: Crossroads Area, Atop the Mountain

Here’s how finding Tix in Clip It works: each Tix is hidden in a specific environment, which you can teleport to using your smartphone. Select the plus sign along the bottom, switch over to the Environments tab, then choose Classics and pick Crossroads.
When you reach the Crossroads, you’re going to immediately see a portal. Turn to your left and you’ll see a ladder. Climb it and reach the peak of that mountain to find the first Tix.
Tix Location #2: Crossroads Area, Underground

Now, from the peak of the mountain, look down to the lower platform and you’ll see a large, green button. That’s a teleporter! Use it and you’ll be teleported to the nearby tower.
See the ladder leading down? When you reach the bottom of it, you’ll see another teleporter. Use the teleporter to be sent to a secret underground tunnel, leading to the last Tix in the Crossroads.
Tix Location #3: Glass Houses Area, Inside the Cage

We’re off to the Glass Houses environment now. Open your phone, switch to Environments, choose Classics, then pick Glass Houses. You’ll see four buildings and a tower in the very center of the map. At the top of the tower is a cage, which houses a Tix inside.
To reach the Tix, climb to the top of the blue building right where you spawned into the area. The blue tube that looks like an elevator can actually be climbed. When you reach the top, you’ll see two teleporters; use the one that’s pointing towards the cage in the middle of the map.
Tix Location #4: Haunted House Area, In the Attic

Up next is the Haunted House area, which should look familiar if you’ve been trying to find the Tix in A Dusty Trip. It’s the exact same haunted house. You’ll find the Haunted House area under the Classics tab.
When you enter the mansion, head straight into the kitchen, make a left and go up the stairs. Make two more lefts and you’ll see a long hallway with a room at the very end. As you near the room, you’ll see a doorway to your left. Enter that room and take the stairs up to find another Tix.
Tix Location #5: Haunted House Area, Underground

Now leave the haunted house and as you’re leaving look to your right. You’ll see a few trees next to what appears to be a hill. It’s actually a hole, which you jump down into either by jumping onto the trees or using the steps on the other side.
After you grab the Tix at the bottom, open your phone and teleport to the Computer Labs. It’s under the Darkness tab in Environments.
Tix Location #6: Computer Lab Area, Behind the Bars

When you spawn in the Computer Lab, leave the room and make a left. Keep following that hallway until you come to a storage room with a bunch of shelves. You won’t get long along the way; there’s only one path.
At the back of the storage room, you’ll see two doorways. Take the one on the right, then make an immediate left around the paneling to find a hole in the wall.
On the other side, it splits into two paths. Make a right, follow the hallway, then enter the first room on the right. You’ll see a wall with metal bars along the bottom and the Tix behind them. Turn into the room to your left and you’ll find a gap to reach the Tix.
Tix Location #7: Computer Lab Area, Under the Bridge

Now leave the room and head straight into the room across, leading to a bridge. Jump down to the room below and look under the bridge to find the final Tix in the Computer Lab.
Open your phone, back into the Environments and choose Darkness again. Teleport to the Facility area for the next Tix in Clip It.
Tix Location #8: Facility Area, On a Table

When you spawn into the Facility area, leave the room (there’s only one door) and climb the ladder. At the top, enter Door 7 and keep heading straight until you reach the ramp at the end of the hallway.
Go down the ramp and take the first turn on your left and keep running until you come to a room with a wooden table and chair. It’ll be at the top of the ramp.
Look past the table and chair and you’ll see a room at the back. Head inside and you’ll find the Tix on the table.
Tix Location #9: Prototype, On Top of Boxes

Up next is the Prototype area, which is yet again under the Darkness tab in Environments. When you leave the room, make a left and keep going into the room at the end of the hall. You’ll enter a room with a bunch of boxes.
Pass through the rusted doorway and look to your left to see a small tower of boxes. The first Tix is at the very top of the tower. Don’t leave the room yet!
Tix Location #10: Prototype, On a Hidden Platform

Now, in the same room as the boxes you’re going to find two ramps that lead to a control room with two more doorways. You want to enter the one with the ramp that leads up, not the stairs that go down. Keep following the hall and you’ll eventually reach a big, open room onto a platform.
The platform has railing on both sides, but none at the very end. See how the platform points to a white wall lit by lighting? There’s a black strip that runs along the wall, too. What you do is jump onto that black strip and follow it all the way back to the platform on the other side to reach the last and final Tix in Clip It.