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If you’re like me, playing a game without cheats is the only way to really play a game, but sometimes using Vampire Survivors Secrets codes seems so tempting. The Secrets function in the game allows you to unlock characters, weapons, and even stages without having to put in all the hard work required for them otherwise. Secrets are essentially the Vampire Survivors version of cheat codes. While we totally shouldn’t use them, it’s always smart to have a list of them on hand, you know, for science or something like that.
You can access the Secrets menu of the game from the main menu by selecting the Secrets button on the right-hand side of the play button. There are several different types of codes, so we’ll break up all the Secrets codes in Vampire Survivors into categories for you.
Character Secrets
Code | Result |
noneladonna | Unlocks Arca Ladonna |
vivaladonna | Unlocks Porta Ladonna |
superladonna | Unlocks Lama Ladonna |
strongestcharacter | Unlocks Poe Ratcho |
faschiuma | Unlocks Suor Clerici |
bioparco | Unlocks Domario |
accidenti | Unlocks Krochi Freetto |
crystalmakeup | Unlocks Christine Davain |
flymetothemoon | Unlocks Pugnala Provola |
thetwoassassins | Unlocks Giovanna Grana |
feldschlacht | Unlocks Poppea Pecorina |
ifeellovevenus | Unlocks Concetta Caciotta |
spoopyseason | Unlocks Mortaccio |
yattapanda | Unlock Yatta Cavallo |
carramba | Unlocks Bianca Ramba |
reset | Unlcoks O’Sole Meeo |
languorino | Unlocks Sir Ambrojoe |
waitreaction | Unlocks Iguana Gallo Valletto |
quandolodicelui | Unlocks Divano Thelma |
paradigmshift | Unlocks Zi’Assunta Belpaese |
allatonce | Unlocks Queen Sigma |
shounenheroine | Unlocks Miang Moonspell |
youngatheart | Unlocks Menya Moonspell |
itsnotaneclipse | Unlocks Syuuto Moonspell |
vogue | Unlocks Babi-Onna |
iconicoionico | Unlocks McCoy-Oni |
elamadonna | Unlocks Megalo Menya Moonspell |
takeashower | Unlocks Megalo Syuuto Moonspell |
chevolano | Unlocks Gav’Et-Oni |
souloftheparty | Unlocks Rottin’Ghoul |
happybirthday | Unlocks Sammy |
theworldeater | Unlocks Je-Ne-Viv |
basicwitch | Unlocks Genevieve Gruyere |
deusexmachina | Unlocks Luminaire Foscari |
oopsistoleoneagain | Unlocks Keitha Muort |
animeismypassion | Unlocks Maruto Cuts |
spellsomething | Unlocks Eleanor Uziron |
x-x1viiq | Unlocks Exdash Exiviiq |
tramezzini | Unlocks Toastie |
maybeimastallion | Unlocks Smith IV |
igottagettotheedgeofsoul | Unlocks Random |
fettinepanate | Unlocks Boon Marrabbio |
kalvasflam | Unlocks Avatar Infernas |
foldinthecheese | Unlocks Minnah Mannarah |
iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme | Unlocks Leda |
lhovistoio | Unlocks Cosmo Pavone |
pinociampino | Unlocks Peppino |
earrivatolarrotino | Unlocks Big Trouser |
rightninetyseven | Unlocks MissingN |
highfive | Unlocks Gains Boros |
secondevolution | Unlocks Gyorunton |
ablasphemousmockery | Unlocks Mask of the Red Death |
notsureitsthunder | Unlocks Scorej-Oni |
Code | Result |
relaxenjoylife | Unlocks Il Molise |
honesty | Unlocks Moongolow |
iwanttoseeitagain | Unlocks Holy Forbidden |
dotgogreenacres | Unlocks Green Acres |
rottingpizza | Unlocks The Bone Zone |
peakgamedesign | Unlocks Boss Rash |
recycletheforest | Unlocks Bat Country |
recyclethelibrary | Unlocks Astral Stair |
recyclethetower | Unlocks Tiny Bridge |
Code | Result |
thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault | Unlocks Grimoire |
thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault | Unlocks Gouda |
thankelrond | Unlocks Banger |
leadmetothecheese | Unlocks Map |
timecompression | Unlocks Tear |
eggseggseggs | Unlocks Vizard |
teleportustomars | Unlocks Mindbender |
randomazzami | Unlocks Randomazzo and Sarabande of Healing |
ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit | Unlocks Yellow Sign |
icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet | Unlocks Great Gospel |
tengillesbalm | Unlocks Apoplexy |
gottagofast | Unlocks Chaos Malachite |
freezearrow | Unlocks Gracia’s Mirror |
dootdoot | Unlocks Seventh Trumpet |
Vampire Survivors is now available on PC, Nintendo,