A shocking incident occurred recently in Vietnam involving an aggressive male, three women, and American rapper and activist China Mac. Essentially, the three women were sharing a meal together in a restaurant when a male aggressor began harassing the women. The incident quickly escalated, ultimately culminating in an all out fist fight. The altercation came to an abrupt end, however, when Brooklyn-based rapper China Mac steps in from out of the frame to defend the three women from the violent assault, by stopping the attacker with a single punch.
The 36-second snippet of video footage appears to be lifted from the on-site security camera at the establishment, and it begins with a bird’s-eye view of two friends sat at a table, with their server ready to take their order. Moments later, a man enters the frame and is pointing at one of the women, who is wearing a pink bunny cosplay costume.
While it’s difficult to make out, the man speaks to the women’s server, describing the woman in the bunny cosplay’s costume, something that sounds like, “All right, let’s put these things on. Good job. Get in the f**ker.” Clearly, what the man has said is derogatory, as the woman in the pink costume then proceeds to stand up with a bottle of hot sauce and attempt to spray the contents of it on the man in question in retaliation to his unsavory remarks.
A third woman then steps into the frame and attempts to usher the ill-mannered man away from the group, but he refuses to leave. Meanwhile, during the disarray, the woman in pink seemingly tries to shoo the man away with her hand.
However, the clip then takes a turn for the worse as the man becomes violent and begins assaulting the three women, by throwing punches directed at them. In the commotion, the three women try and protect themselves from the assault with their hands. Suddenly, from out of the frame, China Mac steps in and delivers a knockout punch to the violent assailant, who drops to the ground.
With the footage now making the rounds on social media and sparking widespread discussion, it soon became clear that the internet sided with the three women, and championed the heroism of China Mac.
China Mac 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.. brought Brooklyn to Nam
Other netizens agreed that while it was a bit of an unexpected punch, the aggressive woman-beating assailant deserved his comeuppance, with one expressing, “…bit of a sucker punch, but he’s clearly a sucker…so we’ll allow it. What full grown man throws a punch at three girls who probably weigh together what he does.”
Another commenter weighed in with an amusing remark, comparing China Mac to anime superhero legend One-Punch Man, writing: “China Mac verified = One Punch Man’s true identity revealed!“
Over on Instagram, China Mac shared a post recently giving some context to the incident, writing in the caption:
I was eating at my fav pho spot and saw this dude beating on these 3 girls. I didn’t know who they were but there was no way I could just sit there and watch a grown man bigger than me beat on women. So I had to give him night night 😴
Yall think I did the right thing?
Born Raymond Yu in 1982, China Mac is a Brooklyn-based rapper, singer-songwriter, and activist. He actively supports Stop Asian Hate, a political movement that rallies against racial discrimination and violence, which targets Asians and Asian-Americans. He currently resides in Vietnam.