For fans of Apex Legends, the seasonal releases are always quite special. They bring along some new gameplay changes, a new character, and map changes. This season is no different, and Respawn is looking to make this one quite enticing for new players. Today, the team released a new trailer showing off all you can expect to see. I can also guarantee that you weren’t the only one that was a fan of that “Hungry like the Wolf” remix. Great choice there Respawn. The team celebrated the new trailer and hyped up the update’s release on their social media.
The trailer mainly shows off the new legend Loba and some of the tricks she has up her sleeve. She has some form of teleport ability, a mobile shop with extra gear for teammates, and a throwable disk she can blink to at any moment. All three abilities seem pretty interesting, and it’ll be cool to see players master her in-game. To go with her, King’s Canyon has received some major changes to some zones including a sunken in area. There’s even an ult generator, giving those who control the area that one ult they needed to win the battle. Not only that, but there’s some PvE content to experience in Apex Legends. This includes taking out a bunch of hostile beasts and exploring hidden areas on King’s Canyon.
This update seems very enticing, and it will be cool to see how players use their new tools in the months ahead. Haven’t heard of Apex Legends? It’s a battle royale from the team behind the critically acclaimed Titanfall series (one I’m a huge fan of). Drop-in as one of many legends with unique abilities and take on other players in a 100 player deathmatch. Using the tools you gather, you’ll fight your way to becoming the Apex Champions and earn some sweet loot along the way. If this all sounds interesting to you, you can download the game from its official website.
Apex Legends Season 5 will release on May 12th on PS4,