DC has really been pushing forwards on the tv front. Arrow, Flash and Gotham are achieving huge success. An Arrow/Flash/other heroes team up series is in the works. So is a Supergirl series. However, there’s one DC that’s not doing well in spite of good viewing figures.

Yes, on friday NBC cancelled Constantine. Presumably to make room for even more Law and Order. However, one of DC’s other heroes is not taking this lying down. Yes, Oliver Queen Steven Amell, amongst others, is fighting to find DC’s most well known British hero a new home.
During a panel at the Wizard World convention this weekend, Amell tried to encourage another network to pick up Constantine. He did so by revealing that an Arrow/Constantine crossover would be very much possible;
“Now, Constantine was an NBC show. I’m on The CW. I had had discussions with DC… so not NBC, not CW… but with DC Entertainment about guest starring on Constantine when it was still on the air. And that was and is still on the table.”
Even more interesting was Amell’s admission that this wasn’t an idea invented to encourage someone to pick Constantine up. It turns out that a Arrow/Constantine crossover was being kicked about even before NBC cancelled it;
“The reason that I was going to guest star on Constantine, at least the idea that we were throwing around was he’s an expert when it comes to the Lazarus Pit, which is now something that is a part of and will continue to be a part of Arrow.”
Amell implied that future crossovers wouldn’t be limited to these two shows either. It would seem that crossovers between future shows Supegirl and Titans are also possibilities.
Here’s hoping this juicy info encourages another Network to save Constantine.