Having enough of another child bullying her daughter at school, an Australian mother had a ‘momma bear’ moment, using the most shocking threat she could think of. Storming into a classroom after the bell rang, the mother viciously screamed at the bully, “You ever f***ing mess with my daughter again, I’ll slit your f***ing throat.” She didn’t stop there and added: “I’m your f***ing worst nightmare b****… I’m your worst f***ing nightmare.”
This incident occurred after the Australian mom’s daughter had suffered over a year of bullying at Catholic school St. Paul’s College in Gilles Plains. In an interview with 7NEWS Australia, a classmate had told her “devastated” daughter “to go and hang herself.” She claims that she and her husband did everything in their power to keep their child safe. “I have stated time and time again to the school, we are begging, we begged for help. We begged,” she lamented.

Unfortunately, the school did little to nothing for the family, causing the mother to take things into her own hands. However, now that the threat has been made toward the victim’s bully, the school has taken action, albeit not the one people might have hoped for. The Catholic school has ordered the parents to permanently stay away from the campus, while the daughter has been banned from attending. This is all quite ironic, seeing how just a little over a week ago, St Paul’s College principal claimed that the school’s goal for 2025 was “striving for excellence.”
The Australian mom has since apologized for her action, saying that “what everyone has seen of me is not who I am as a mother or as a person.” That said, the reason behind her behavior was built-up resentment against her daughter’s bully during the months of harassment the girl went through. “I don’t want my daughter to be another statistic. I don’t want to have to bury my child,” she sadly expressed.
While threatening a child with slitting their throat is far from acceptable, many followers of this news report are in overwhelming support of the mom. “I fault the school and whatever parent(s) allowed this spawn to bully another kid,” commented one reader, claiming that the “real issue is the school doing nothing for 12 months.” Another wrote in support of the mom, saying, “Fraid I’m gonna have to take Mama Bear’s side on this one.”
More users on X made their stand in favor of the Australian mother. “Good for her! I’ve done similar except I told the bullies mom if it didn’t stop, I’d beat her ass in front of her kid,” exclaimed a commenter. “Mom was 100% more useful in stopping it than useless school staff,” remarked another. Plenty more made similar remarks, stating how the school was in the wrong and the victim’s mother did the right thing. Even after begging the school for help regarding the bullying, the mom was still not in the right to threaten with violence. However, she has every right to be upset over someone bringing emotional and possibly indirect physical harm to her daughter.