Title: Jackbox Party Pack 3 Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PC Developer: Jackbox Games Publisher: Jackbox Games Genre: Quiz Official…
Author: Adam Dyche
Title: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: PS4, PC, Xbox One Developer: Eidos Montreal Publisher: Square…
Title: ABZÚ Version Tested: PS4 Available On: PS4, PC Developer: Giant Squid Publisher: 505 Games Genre: RPG Official Site: ABZÚ…
When Irrational Games, the creators of the Bioshock series, closed its doors for business, the industry lost a creative pioneer.…
Title: The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PC Developer: CD Projekt…
Title: Inside Available On: Xbox One, PC Developer: Playdead Publisher: Microsoft Studios Genre: Quiz Official Site: Playdead Release Date: June…
Title: Drawful 2 Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PC Developer: Jackbox Games Publisher: Jackbox Games Genre: Quiz Official Site: Jackbox…
Title: Deadlight: Director’s Cut Available On: PC, Xbox One, PS4 Tested On: Xbox One Developer: Tequila Works Publisher: Deep Silver…
Title: Homefront: The Revolution Available On: PC, Xbox One, PS4 Tested On: Xbox One Developer: Dambuster Studios Publisher: Deep Silver…
Title: Hitman Episode 3: Marrakesh Version Tested On: Xbox One Available On: PC, PS4, Xbox One Developer: IO Interactive Publisher: Square…