After 23 years, a sequel to Space Jam is finally hitting theaters. Warner Bros. has…
Author: Jordan Zolan

I'm just a Star Trek loving, video game playing, dog owning nerd who loves to talk about all things that are geeky with anyone who will listen. I still have my original working NES and still believe blowing in the cartridge makes it work! Feel free to start a conversation with me about all things gaming and entertainment, I do love a great chat with like minded people!!
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Our expert writers produce precise guides, news, and features, and our team regularly updates articles to keep information current. Additionally, older articles are clearly marked if they may contain outdated information, with updates noted as needed.
Stories By Jordan Zolan
There’s a new Star Wars trilogy coming from Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and…
Activision-Blizzard will conduct major layoffs as soon as this Tuesday. The announcement has spurred a…
The release of the long-awaited Avatar sequels is fast approaching and producer Jon Landau has…
Star Wars: The Force Awakens hit the big screens in 2015 and continued the beloved…
Bungie’s departure from Activision Blizzard has prompted multiple lawsuits against the embattled publisher. Investors believe…
Sega of Europe has announced the upcoming release of Yakuza Kiwami on PC via Steam…
According to Variety, the long-gestating Uncharted movie adaptation looks to be a go due to…
Mortal Kombat 11’s announcement by WB games has fans screaming “Get over here!”. Fans clamoring for…