Title: Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Available On: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows Publisher: Ubisoft Developers: Ubisoft, Massive Entertainment Genre:…
Author: Andrew McMahon
Gas up your Go Karts, as Nintendo announced that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would be getting a Switch port. The…
Quake Champions creative director Tim Willits announced that the upcoming arena shooter will be free to play upon its release.…
In a recent blog post, Steam announced that they would be making a couple small changing to their user review…
Warner Bros. studios released the second part in it’s shattered alliances series of trailers earlier this week for the upcoming…
At 8 o’clock this morning, For Honor servers went down for around an hour as a means of implementing a…
Just 11 days before it’s release date, Bioware unveiled the official launch trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda. Like previous content,…
Since it’s inception in 2009, Uber has revolutionized the travel industry, making short distance travel simple and making taxi’s -…
Move over Mass Effect: Andromeda because there is another Pathfinder in the gaming galaxy, as No Man’s Sky unveiled its second major…
Winter is officially coming…this summer, as the penultimate season for HBO’s Game of Thrones officially has a released date. The network…