If anything loves to assemble more than The Avengers, it’s a good backpack. Treats, treasure, and the occasional dastardly weapon all vie for space, but there’s only so much room. Juggling valuables was good enough for Leon Kennedy, and it’s good enough for Backpack Hero, too. Still, its beginners can drown in the game mechanics. It’s tough to know how to compose items and create effective builds. We’ve got your back, however, with some top tips to get you packing like a pro.
Backpack Hero: Best Tips for Beginners
(Updated on August 16, 2024 – updated links and added images)

Balance Your Backpack
The best games understand the importance of build balance. With Backpack Hero, that balancing act starts as soon as you start packing. Before deciding whether or not to keep an item, hover over it to read its description and learn more. It’s also wise to toss junk instead of hoarding it as it will only slow down your development. Keep a few great items, and aim to supplement them with item buffs later.
You don’t have to focus on storing the same items all the time, either. Though some items will be better suited for your playstyle, it will sometimes be wise to swap them for something else. Items in Backpack Hero are well-balanced overall, so it’s up to you to discover what’s worth keeping (and when). You can always sell old items, too.
Correct Positioning
Just filling your backpack is not enough. You should also pay attention to how items are arranged. Many items can complement others by providing buffs. A great example is the Pearl, which increases the damage of items by +4 if they are no further than 2 squares away from it. Thus, when you find more similar items, you will need to take care of the placement to get the most out of it.
Another example would be helmets. Most of them require placement at the top of the backpack. Being on the top square, they can provide you with more buffs, or they can enhance other items that are nearby. The backpack is a sandbox in which you can experiment, positioning items as you wish.
Choose the Right Character

Take your time when choosing characters. Yes, you may want to play as a new hero to diversify the gameplay, but first, at least get used to the mechanics. With this task, Purse, the starting character in the game, will help you a lot. Playing as this anthropomorphic mouse, you will master the basics and understand the main principles. When you become more experienced, you can try other characters. We recommend trying CR-8 and Tote next.
Take Care of Your Health
When traveling through dungeons and fighting enemies, your health will often reach a low point. It’s important to have several options to restore it. Try to always have consumables in stock and not use them in vain. Over time, you can calculate when to use a particular item that regenerates your health. In addition, you can also use permanent items such as relics. They may not be as effective as consumables, but they are a good alternative.
Don’t Forget About Merchants

Occasionally, traders will appear on your way, in most cases when you clear an area. Don’t avoid them, as you’ll be missing out on an opportunity to earn some extra cash. Each time a merchant appears, you can sell 3 items to them. If you’d like, you can keep a few expensive items in your backpack to sell but don’t wait too long.
Always try to sell something to a merchant. If you don’t have anything in your inventory, just explore the area where you just killed enemies and pick up the most expensive ones. You can see the price in your inventory by hovering over the item you want. This way, you can get even richer and save money for new purchases.