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It never hurts to learn the basics in League of Legends. Players just starting will benefit from learning the ropes, while veterans may want to discover a new way to play. The Summoner’s Rift is a go-to mode, but the different lanes can trip anyone up. Some Champions work better than others for beginners just learning a specific lane in League. These Champs are more forgiving if you don’t fully understand the mechanics behind their skills or the overall game.
Top Lane – Best Beginners Champions

Beginners should understand that top lane works out well if you’re aiming to learn the laning phase in League rather than truly understanding your Champion. It’s isolated up there, but it’s not a bad lane to get comfortable with how things work.
To keep yourself alive as you navigate it, you want Champions with good resistance or healing abilities since you can’t lean on anyone else. The following characters should help you understand your newly chosen lane:
- Garen: This Juggernaut Champion is the best to learn top lane in League. His kit is straightforward, you don’t need mana, and he can tank a hit as well as he can take out enemies.
- Shen: A Warden, Shen isn’t nearly as resilient as Garen, but he’s helpful when learning the top lane. Perhaps the best thing about Shen is that he’ll teach you how to focus on the minimap too since his Ult leans on teamwork rather than solo play.
Mid Lane – Best Beginners League Champions

Mid lane is the shortest of the lanes. It’s also arguably the best lane to climb in. You just need a comfortable Champion to get started. Thankfully, there are some wonderfully simple and forgiving Champs that will guide you to mastering mid and eventually moving on to the more complicated characters:
- Annie: Annie is a Burst Champion, and she is the go-to for beginners dipping a toe into the mid lane in League. She’s remarkably straightforward as she helps you get back to those fundamentals while still dealing solid damage to enemies and towers.
- Ahri: Although this Burst Champ has quite the kit, her skills are easy for beginners to understand and quick to master. She’s well-rounded too to help you damage enemies and support teammates.
Bot Lane – Best Beginners League Champions

There’s a lot of fighting that goes down in the bot lane. So, you must prepare for a skirmish if you want to switch up into this lane. More often than not, the enemy will focus on you at some point. Whether it’s the opposing jungler attempting to gank or the enemy bot lane Champ, there’s always a strong chance you’ll be face-to-face with heavy forces.
If this happens in the lane, you need League Champions who are not just good for beginners, but will also keep you alive and well. These characters tend to be great for ADC, or in other words, your sharpshooting Marksman:
- Caitlyn: Our first Marksman, Caitlyn has the range you need to nail shots while staying relatively safe. Her E is also perfect for getting out of sticky situations while you still learn her kit and the lane.
- Miss Fortune: She’s perhaps one of the earlier Champions you can unlock in League, which makes her ideal for beginners to learn the bot lane. She can get in and out of danger quickly, and she has a fun Ult for team fights.
Additional Tips

Although not technically a lane, learning the jungle is handy for League beginners. The jungle weaves between the rest of the lanes, and it’s the perfect place to gain experience and gold. Even though farming can be good, the position can get tough as it’s key for ganking and helping teammates.
Don’t be ashamed if you get overwhelmed. Instead, try using some of these Champions to gain a better grasp on the position:
- Warwick: This absolute beast is a Diver in League of Legends and a solid Champion for beginners to understand the jungle. You can easily spam Q for farming. Just take care that his W doesn’t bait you away from your goal.
- Amumu: The Vanguard yordle is another great jungler for beginners. He’s easy enough to learn, and he has lovely AoE to clear.
If it’s your first or your 12th time, breaking League down to the fundamentals to learn a new lane doesn’t happen right away, so pick a good Champion to practice with. That’s what the practice area is for, after all. Remember not to neglect it, but also remember that diving into the game with others is vital to fully grasp your new lane.