The newest DLC update for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is available to download now. Entitled The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, this gigantic update contains more of what we love about the game: new characters, new items, new enemies, new bosses. Pretty much new everything.

The Binding of Isaac was already a huge game, with a seemingly endless supply of item combinations that could make you overpowered in a hurry (or make the game essentially unbeatable, if you aren’t sure what the items do). This makes a huge influx of new items even more interesting: every combination of new items could react in some unexpected and overpowered way. These unique interactions are what make The Binding of Isaac such an interesting game. The newest update also adds something that every roguelike needs and will surely provide countless hours of entertainment: daily challenges.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth now has a leaderboard driven challenge every day. Every player will have the exact same dungeon to play through for bragging rights and immortality atop the standings. Coupled with new everything, Afterbirth is a must purchase for anyone who has found themselves obsessed with The Binding of Isaac. Add in brand new songs to an already amazing soundtrack and all new areas to explore, and it almost begins to feel like a new game. Even the graphics feel like they’ve gotten a shot in the arm, with smoother animation and new little details adding some flair to a fairly basic-looking game. I imagine everyone who was/is already into Binding of Isaac has picked this one up, but this is a great time to dive in if you are new to the game. See what all the fuss is about. Check out the teaser trailer below:
Returners to the game, make sure you click “Import Data” on the screen where you choose your save file. You don’t have to start from scratch.
Ready to head back to the basement? Let us know what you think of Afterbirth in the comments below.