Brazilian Instagram influencer and sportscar enthusiast Ricardo Godoi shocked his fans after tragically dying to tattoo anesthesia. Known to his followers as the CEO of Godoi Premium Group, Ricardo had gone to a tattoo studio to have his whole back done. But instead of bearing out the pain of the whole procedure, he opted to be given a general anesthetic. Unfortunately, things went south with this decision, as he went into cardiac arrest because of the treatment, resulting in his death.
Ricardo’s PR team took to his Instagram account, posting a commemoration to mourn his passing. The post referred to the Brazilian car lover as “an incredible person who left his mark on the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing him.” It went on to state that his “joy, generosity, and light will continue to be present in our memories and every story he helped build.” The post ended with a RIP, with condolences passed to family and friends.
As tragic as the whole situation is, many online users ridiculed Ricardo Godoi, mocking his decision to use a general anesthetic for a back tattoo. “I have never heard of anyone having a general anesthetic for a tattoo. Maybe if he’d been a bit braver, he would still be alive,” remarks a follower of the event. “Hopefully, nobody will be ‘influenced’ by this,” chimes in another. Many shared similar thoughts regarding how preposterous it was that the influencer used a general anesthetic for something as simple as a back tattoo since “pain is part of the process.”
News of the influencer’s passing eventually made it to the r/NewsOfTheStupid subreddit, where many more people found Ricardo’s death absurd and unnecessary. “I have never heard of anyone getting medical sedation for a tattoo, but it’s about the most p—- thing I’ve ever heard of,” says the top comment, with hundreds of upvotes of agreement. Multiple individuals agreed that “doing it all in one go instead of stretching it out over multiple sessions” was a horrible idea for Ricardo, as using “anesthesia isn’t a joke.”
Regardless of whether people believe the car influencer didn’t deserve his back tattoo for being a “wimp,” his passing is still a tragedy for the followers who admired his story and work. As one commenter above said, hopefully, this situation makes people think twice about agreeing to use a general anesthetic, as it’s always a risky procedure.