Want to celebrate Independence Day in the most ‘Murican way possible? Developer Free Lives has just what you need with the latest “tactical update” to their Early Access shoot-em-up Broforce. If you need to know the type of game you are getting into with Broforce, check out the trailer for the new update:
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Even though Broforce is still in Early Access, it has got a lot more going for it than many games in the same program. It is a throwback to both the games and pop culture of nostalgia. With thinly veiled, satirical versions of pop culture heroes (excuse me, “bros”) with names like “Brobocop” and “Double Bro Seven,” Broforce certainly targets the side scrolling shoot-em-up genre with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
Broforce is not a case of style over substance. After you get past the goofy, over the top adrenaline, there is a pretty fun game to uncover. The entire world is destructible (except for the American flag, of course), and it leads to some crazy shootouts. Often, in later levels, it is impossible to even see what happened that killed you or the boss of the level. Things start exploding, the world starts falling apart, and soon a helicopter drops down to fly Bronan the Brobarian to safety.

To make things even sweeter, Broforce is 33% off for the weekend over on Steam. You can also check out the full update details here. This weekend, get some bros together, grill some burgers, and celebrate July 4th in the only way America knows how: blowing stuff up. And make sure you flex your muscles while it is happening.