“Shaun the Mareep”
Movie News
Up to date movie news from big blockbusters, anticipated releases, and your favorite classics!
It seems fitting that Kraven would put down Spidey again
A young star’s cry for help
He’s chosen his chosen one
Are you not entertained?
Apple lost a couple of wolfs
Someone didn’t watch Training Day
She loves ‘Gelphie’ just as much as fans
Deader than Elvis
The details are lost in space
Holy PG-13 movie Batman!
Yeah, I’m thinking I’m back!
Latest stories
More +A young star’s cry for help
By Joshua McCoy
He’s chosen his chosen one
By Joshua McCoy
Are you not entertained?
Apple lost a couple of wolfs
By Joshua McCoy
Someone didn’t watch Training Day
She loves ‘Gelphie’ just as much as fans
Deader than Elvis
The details are lost in space
By Joshua McCoy