Another day, another overly demanding Karen up to mischief once again. This time, the incident occurred in a Burger King fast-food chain and sees an irate woman belittling the restaurant staff and bragging about how much money she makes compared to them. In a video posted to Reddit earlier today, the Karen in question mocks the Burger King employees for having to endure “minimum wage,” while she boasts about taking home “$60,000 a year.” Check out the awkward interaction down below.
The 38-second snippet of footage kicks off in the middle of a verbal altercation between the Karen and the Burger King employee, and is recorded from the perspective of one of the staff members from behind the counter. The BK worker yells mid-sentence: “–acting like you’re skinny as f***, ugly as f***! Looking like a dog.”
The Karen, sporting a black Nike fleece, looks visibly infuriated and turns around to face the employee who threw shade at her. “You’re gonna die, b****! Look at you working at McD–” She quickly corrects herself realising that she’s not in a McDonald’s, but in a Burger King, and continues: “–Burger King getting minimum wage. I make $60,000 a year. You can never get my wage. You work at Burger King. $60,000 a year. Want me to pull out my bank statement?“
With tempers flying high, the Karen turns to the BK worker filming the incident on their phone. “Yes, record me. Record me. You’re not recording already? You gay f**.” Said employee exclaims “Bye” as the clip comes to an abrupt end.
Needless to say, with the viral clip garnering attention across social media, the internet was quick to respond, with many comments lambasting the Karen for her unruly behavior and smug, pompous remarks towards the Burger King staff. Over on Reddit, one commenter fired, “She makes less than a Burger King general manager.. she should ask for an application…” Another netizen added, “You can’t buy class or tact.“
Meanwhile, a third Redditor took aim at the Karen’s low self-esteem and lack of respect, writing: “This is concentrated insecurity on full display. Having an ego can be bad enough, but having an insecure ego is a whole other level. lol“
Of course, as the first commenter points out, what deflates the Karen’s ill-mannered argument is that the average annual salary for a Burger King manager in the U.S. is between $39,691 and $140,000, according to Indeed. This puts the average salary of a BK manager at around the $90,000 mark, which is obviously significantly more than the Karen’s $60k a year.
Nevertheless, semantics aside, it’s clear the Karen is simply resorting to rude and disrespectful societal stereotypes, while attempting to “show off” to the hard-working folks at Burger King. While it’s unclear what kickstarted the heated altercation, the Karen has undoubtedly walked away with the internet’s overwhelming disapproval.