There are bad drivers who road rage, and then there are “very bad” drivers who could potentially kill someone due to their carelessness. One particular California woman is definitely of the latter, as she was recorded driving straight into an oncoming car in the opposite lane. The accident took place on Arleta Ave in Los Angeles, and fortunately, no one was apparently killed or seriously injured. However, the dashcam footage indicates that she was extremely distracted, looking at either her phone or simply not paying attention to the road in front of her.
The clip of the careless Los Angeles female driver made it onto Reddit’s r/MildlyBadDrivers, with a title implying that she was browsing Instagram. It goes without saying that users are unsurprisingly infuriated. “With video evidence like this, this should be an automatic license revoked,” exclaims the top commenter. They went on to say that they would “sue the s*** out of her insurance.” It’s “so frustrating,” gripes another, explaining how a similar accident happened to them, and “everyone from the police officer to the judge was extremely lenient on the kid who was texting.” The culprit driver was let off with “no consequences” and “off to wreak havoc on another innocent person’s spine,” they bitterly concluded.
A batch of another dozen Redditors discuss that “it needs to be more difficult to obtain and maintain a driver’s license” due to careless drivers like the California woman. Periodic testing plus a “harsh penalty system” in place for those who aren’t careful or mindful would keep dangerous drivers off the roads. “I’m convinced people forget how to drive,” said a reply, agreeing with the small consensus. Such rigid rules for drivers would make sense, seeing how “road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years,” according to the World Health Organization.
A few commenters disagree with such a stringent system, saying that it wouldn’t have that big of an impact on distracted accidents as in the post. The primary cause is recklessness and the driver not paying attention, not a lack of basic driving skills. However, “harsher penalties for driving while revoked” would still be a solid idea, a commenter concludes.
Another Redditor points out how damage on the Californian woman’s car indicates that the accident wasn’t her “first rodeo. Looks like the front fascia/bumper is drooping before the impact,” they observe. Several users argue that the carelessness the distracted woman displays “counts as extremely bad” driving. “I feel like this is more than just mild,” one remarks. “This sub is called ‘mildly bad drivers.’ This is a VERY BAD driver,” chimes in another. Whatever the case, hopefully, this reckless driver’s punishment keeps her off the road for a very long time for the safety of others in LA.