Come on, Sony, do something cool
Game News
Breaking news, Rumors, and Up to date information from AAA to Indie Games!
At least no DLCs got nominated
Learn how Digital Extreme’s obsession with biomechanical suits came to be with this cult classic
An adventure into the unknown.
All good things must come to an end
The Force may or may not be with you
Is anyone as excited as I am?
Grand-scale battles incoming
This will send absolutely no one to PlayStation
With the Nintendo Switch 2 just around the corner
Latest stories
More +Must you keep disappointing yourself?
The first blood has been drawn
Great changes ahead
Imagine if it’s Steam that got taken down somehow
He sees you when you’re sleeping
SBMM needs a tweak
By Amir Naseri
Don’t worry, Apple will reinvent the controllers in a few years