Waiting for the delivery of a large household item can be irksome at the best of times. Not only do you have to make sure that you’re home when the courier arrives, but you also have the challenge of moving and installing what is usually something heavy and unwieldy. Recently, a Karen in Chicago found out the hard way, but instead of keeping her cool and working collaboratively with the Lowes delivery driver, she ended up having a tussle and assaulting him instead.
The six-minute clip is recorded from the perspective of the courier, who, upon entering the residence of the “Karen” in question noticed that the “refrigerator wouldn’t fit immediately.” After mentioning that fact, the Karen, who’s also referred to as Ashley in the video, begins giving the delivery driver “an attitude so I started recording immediately“, according to the caption in the footage.
Off the bat, Ashley doesn’t seem too helpful when she finds out that the fridge won’t fit properly. “Measure this refrigerator, please, Mr Handy Dandy Tape Measure Man,” the Karen asks in a petulant manner, before yelling to her partner Larry to bring her the tape measure from the other room. When the courier tries to insist that the fridge won’t fit, Ashley simply wags and points her finger at him, and keeps interrupting, saying: “No. No. You can get your dispatch. Larry, bring me my phone because I need Lowes on the phone right now.” Despite the driver trying his best to placate her, the Karen explains, “Sweetie, you don’t have a doctor’s degree. There is nothing for me to understand.”
It’s here where things quickly intensify as when the driver attempts to leave the house through the open door, the Karen shuts it and blocks his way. “Get the f*** away from my door. Sit down!” The driver’s reaction to this is surprisingly calm as he declares, “We got it. We got another door, bro. She is crazy.” As he walks through the living room, Ashley yells, “If you touch one god d*** thing in my f***ing house…”
Thankfully, the courier makes it out of the house, but the incident is far from over. Once he reaches his delivery vehicle, the Karen is sat on the truck’s steps with her phone in hand, blocking the door. The footage then cuts to the woman sat in the passenger seat of the delivery driver’s vehicle. “Ma’am, can you please get out my truck, please?” pleads the Lowes courier, though it falls on deaf ears as she completely ignores his request.
Things then take a turn for the worse as the footage cuts to the delivery driver, the Karen, and her partner Larry having a tussle in the garden over a backpack. “She got his backpack on,” says the cameraman. It’s clear that the delivery driver is not the aggressor and is simply attempting to retrieve his backpack, which has been taken from him by the Karen.
Interestingly, her partner Larry does seem to be trying to help the delivery driver get his rucksack back, but the Karen is not having any of it. As the pair attempt to wrestle the backpack away from Ashley, she swings her arms erratically hitting them both over the course of the altercation. As she writhes on the ground, Ashley even yells at her partner, “Shut up, Larry!” as both men try their best to obtain the rucksack from her.
Meanwhile, a neighbour who has heard the commotion joins in, trying to understand what’s happening. “We was trying to deliver her refrigerator.” the cameraman yells desperately. Making matters worse, it appears that the Karen has some blood on her lip, likely due to the tussle she instigated, and the neighbour wants to know what happened. “Why is she bleeding?” The Karen then tries to blame the courier, saying, “Because he hit me in my face!“
Fortunately, thanks to the footage, we know that what she’s said is not entirely true as she’s the one holding onto the backpack, which is what both Larry and the driver are trying to wrestle away from her. Ashley even slaps her partner in the face, before asking him to, “Shoot this mother****er, Larry!” The irate woman then begins to cry while she’s writhing around on the ground.
Finally, with the help of the neighbour, the trio manage to procure the backpack. On the way back to the truck, the driver and his partner can be heard conversing with the neighbour, saying: “We gotta go. Crazy as hell! All I told her was the refrigerator don’t fit. I didn’t punch her. We recorded the entire time. Thank you. I’m sorry. What the hell just happened?“
As the clip continues to snowball across social media platforms, netizens were quick to dissect the footage and chime in with their thoughts and reactions to the incident. One Redditor wrote:
I bet she’s lovely to live with
Elsewhere, another commenter added, “She probably measured the spot for the fridge but not her doorway. My husband and I did that once and we had to take the door off its hinges but luckily it worked after that. We did not hold anyone hostage or steal things“
Ultimately, this viral clip serves as a timely reminder of the importance of careful planning and accurate measurements before making purchases of large household items. It also highlights the potential consequences of public meltdowns in the modern, digital age. With hope, the Karen at the heart of this story learnt a lesson from the shocking incident, as the Lowes delivery driver was not at fault.