With the popular manga series Tokyo Ghoul, final run last year. The creator of the series Shu Ishida seemed to have been retiring from making manga series but as of last week, that does not seem to be the case. Very recently Ishida put up this tweet with a sketch with the caption 2019.
新しい作品の構想でもしていければと思います。今年もよろしくお願いします。(絵は何かの作品で使う男の子) pic.twitter.com/hWvuQAQvz8
— 石田スイ (@sotonami) January 7, 2019
In his tweet he says
Pretty Happy New Year. It was a milestone year for me as I finished the series last year. In 2019, I would like to work on a new project, while working on a non-Choi manga. Thank you again this year. (A boy used for a piece of art) Shu Ishida.
Not much elese has been reveled about this boy but his name Mistuki Shirota, but he confrims the boy in the skech is a new charcter he has been working on for his new manga series, sense this is a new secereat project the artist has been working on fans have been tring to analize this charcter disscussing things about his body type, hair stlye, and clothes he is wearing. New of Ishdia making a new may have caught some people off gaurd. This is due to Ishdia has talked at length about how he felt personally about writing the series and how important it was to him when it ended.
Tokyo Ghoul was a manga series created in 2011. It follows the story of a world full of ghouls who eat humans and forced to live in secret. A student named Ken Kaneki has an encouter with a goul one day a is impaled as becomes a ghoul in the process. Now a ghoul he needs to survive by eating human flesh while also keep his new life as a ghoul a secret.
Do you like Tokyo Ghoul? Are you all caught up with the manga or or you watch the series? For more on Tokyo ghoul or Shu Ishida new project stay on the NerdStash.com.