Critical Role has launched its own Instagram account, and like everything else they do it’s off to a big start. Within a couple of days, they already have 29.4k followers despite only three posts. The posts include a photo of their recent appearance at a Denver convention, a shot of the last game featuring Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien, and a short video from their original game back in 2013.
This is perhaps a long time coming. They already have an official Facebook page, Twitter account, and website. But 2019 has already proven to be a huge year for the mega-successful Dungeons and Dragons live stream. Earlier this year their Kickstarter to fund an animated show broke into the top five of all time, ending with $11 Million raised in 45 days from an original goal of $750,000. They also introduced some new shows to their channel to include MAME Drop, Travis Willingham’s Yeehaw Game Ranch, and the second season of Between the Sheets.
There are other Instagram accounts centered around Critical Role from fans. One of the most popular is Critical Role Closet, which locates where fans can buy the clothes worn by the cast each week. Dwarven Forge will also feature the battle maps used during the show on their own Instagram since Critical Role utilizes their professional terrain nearly every episode.
With the cast of Critical Role taking full ownership of their content and business in 2018, Instagram is a clear next step in continually growing their fanbase. Fans have demanded to see more and more content from them since their first episode in 2015. Always what has made the show so accessible is the casts’ deep relationship and appreciation of their fans. Who will be closely following the new Instagram account to see shots from the games, from behind the scenes, at events, and hopefully more “flashback” posts from before Critical Role was a show. Back when they first started the game at home and had no idea they would build careers from it.
Do you follow Critical Role? Let us know in the comments!