Sometimes, having a moment of peace in the park for anything can be tricky, especially considering the time of your visit. You will always find people riding bicycles, children running, dogs walking, etc. So you should be very careful when choosing a spot to do something quiet, even if you are relatively far away from the others. As in this Reddit video, two women decided to relax with a yoga session, but a corgi, wanting to escape, interrupted them in an unexpected turn of events. There is no cuter and funnier interruption than this one.
In this video, we first see two women in a “quiet” place where no other people are around. Undoubtedly, it is the ideal place to be one with nature and stretch your muscles without any disturbance. However, in the middle of the yoga session, a corgi approaches the women, not out of curiosity but trying to escape from its owner, who appears shortly after in the Reddit video. The man attempts to catch his dog, trying not to bother the ladies anymore, but his pet refuses. The corgi runs around and even jumps over one of the girl’s backs to avoid getting caught.
All this while, both women don’t stop their sessions or their laughing. Unfortunately, the escapist dog can no longer evade his owner, who ends up catching it, but the corgi gives a last side eye that makes all the Redditors think of:
That corgi has no hint of innocence on its face; in fact, it seems to be a master at creating laughter in the people around it.
Luckily, everyone took it with humor; sometimes, not everyone loves animals, or simply, the women may have resented the interruption. Also, the dog’s owner acted respectfully and tried to calm the dog down as quickly as possible. Although if I had been there, I would have really enjoyed such a fun dog “attack.”