With Halloween nearing, there are plenty of costume ideas floating around. Some are simpler, while others look like a lot of time and effort were put into them. A Reddit user posted a video of a dad and his daughter creating an over-the-top Halloween costume, sure to scare anyone she comes across.
The video is the epitome of ‘trust the process,’ starting with what appears to be a mannequin’s body. The father shows step-by-step exactly how he creates the costume, putting the mannequin body in his daughter’s backpack so that the top of the dummy peeks out from behind her. Using a lot of tape and household items, the costume slowly comes together.
When the dad finishes the costume, it’s hard not to agree with how clever it is: a headless person holding a plate with a head on it. Commenters swiftly went to the replies to judge the father for his actions in the video and comment on the costume as a whole.
My mom threw a bed sheet over us and cut holes for the eyes. That’s it.”
After that comment came through, tons of other commenters began sharing stories of different outfit ideas their parents had created for them as children. Many of them shared that they too were just ghosts, with little to no effort put into their costumes while others had far more creative ones.
My mom did the same except she didn’t cut holes for the eyes. So I just walked around holding a sheet and then put the sheet over my head when I got to a house
Regardless of everyone’s story, it seems they each had a parent who cared enough to hand-make a Halloween costume for them. Hopefully, the girl in the video can continue this tradition of having her father create these for her.