Warning, Full Spoilers For DC Universe: Rebirth #1
For the few in the comic book zeitgeist who managed to avoid the Friday leak that lifted the lid on some major spoilers for the first issue of DC Universe: Rebirth, my hat off to you. As for the ending of the book itself, it looks like characters from the DC Universe will finally be linked to Alan Moore and David Gibbons’ game changing 1986-1987 series, Watchmen.
DC Universe: Rebirth is a one-shot with the sole purpose of rebooting the DC comics universe. Writer issue and DC’s Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns really put the emphasis on legacies and the importance it will carry, such with the inclusion of old favorites like Wally West.

The final pages of the book see Wally talking to current Flash, Barry Allen, as he warns him of a very powerful threat “Whoever they are, they did this for a reason. I think they took years from us to weaken us.” After a back-and-forth of guesses, Wally suggests whoever they are, they are more powerful than Darkseid. That makes quite a short list.
As the two speedsters discuss, the scene moves to Batman in the Batcave, going over the letter Barry gave him at the end of Flashpoint. Batman then notices to something in the walls of the cave, after he chips away at it, it is revealed to be the Comedians blood-stained badge. The dialogue ends with Wally saying “We’re being watched.”