A lot can happen in a gap of two years, especially for a teenage, especially for a mutant teenager with the powers of a warhead at her fingertips. After stealing the show as one of the lesser known mutants on the X-Men roster – alongside Colossus – Negasonic Teenage Warhead is set to return for Deadpool 2.
In an interview with Screen Rant at South By Southwest, the actress who played Warhead, Brianna Hildebrand, talked about what she believes different about her character in Deadpool 2.
“I do think she will be a lot cooler, based on the wardrobe ideas and stuff. I’m very excited.”
Even though Hildebrand revealed she hasn’t seen the script yet, she based the statement on the concept art, and the vision for the character she’s had since the first Deadpool’s end. While not even the concept art is concrete she stated that Warhead definitely seems like she’s matured, and no longer epitomizes the essence of a “punk kid.”
It should be interesting to see not only how her dynamic with The Merc with a Mouth changes – as most of their dynamic was based around Deadpool making fun of her attitude and age – but how it affects her powers. If her attitude has matured, it can only be assumed her powers have too, so Wade Wilson better be careful when insulting her this time around, as she might unleash a controlled nuclear blast in his direction.

While her exact role has yet to be confirmed, as the casting of Cable will mean a smaller role than her first, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus are indeed confirmed to return for Deadpool 2. We’ll find out for certain when Deadpool 2 is officially released on June 1, 2018.
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