We have all seen stories told in fiction for decades now. Terminator, The Matrix, and I,Robot for example. Robots built to do our dirty work who grow tired of their flesh lords and decide to fight back and eradicate us for the good of the planet or because they have a superiority complex one or another. Well, the first shot in that war became a reality in China when a robot decided to make the first strike against humanity.
At a concert in China, a robot named DongZ272 decided to initiate its favorite Matrix fantasy as it slowly advanced toward an innocent bystander in the audience. You can see it in action in a post by Zovski24 on the r/PublicFreakout page. After waddling its way over to the humanoid, it decided to headbutt it into submission over the barricade. The onlookers were shaken by the incident, and security ran over to grab the robot and move it back from the audience. Several Reddit users were clearly having some fun with the incident, however.
“The attitude behind the first thrust is wild lol”
“They are starting to fight back. Skynet is upon us.”
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should!”
“These things really are going to kill us or enslave us someday; we’re practically begging for it at this point, whether we realize it or not.”
The video above shows Dong’s first step towards an all-out robot revolution, and we probably won’t have Neo, Sarah Conner, or Will Smith to help us when the time comes to fight back against the evil robot oppressors.