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There are loads of weapons in Destiny 2 that can have various uses that make them pretty great, and now that we’re into The Final Shape, we have quite a few damage types. With so many damage types and just a wide variety of weapons, it can be pretty tricky to find the best weapons in each type. That said, let’s check out all the best Solar weapons in Destiny 2 and find out why they’re so great. Keep in mind that these listings aren’t ranked in any specific order.

How To Get: Complete the “And Out Fly the Wolves” quest.
Catalyst: More Wolves – Magazine size is increased by one rocket. When a target dies to Wolfpack Rounds final blows, it spawns a stronger and faster missile at the target’s launch. Obtain by defeating special enemies in the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon.
The Gjallarhorn has a couple of unique exotic perks that are pretty overpowered. Wolfpack Rounds allows rounds fired to split into tracking cluster missiles once they detonate, and Pack Hunter gives you increased Handling and Reload Speed when you are near allies. Allies who also get Wolfpack Rounds for any non-exotic Rocket Launchers they use.

How To Get: Open Exotic Engrams.
Catalyst: Increases the Range and Stability of Sunshot. Obtain by completing Ritual Activities.
Sunshot has the Sunburn and Sun Blast Exotic Perks, which make the weapon highly explosive. Sunburn fires explosive rounds and highlights targets that take damage, while Sun Blast ensures that targets defeated with Sunshot explode in Solar Energy, scorching other nearby targets.
Calus Mini-Tool

How To Get: By purchasing it from Xur or Banshee-44, or as a potential drop from the Presage Exotic mission.
God Roll: Corkscrew Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Unrelenting, Incandescent, To Excess, Reload Speed Masterwork, Backup Mag.
With perks like Unrelenting and Incandescent, the Calus Mini-tool can be pretty overpowered. Unrelenting triggers health regeneration when you rapidly defeat targets, while Incandescent scorches nearby targets. Additionally, the To Excess Origin Trait gives you extra Strength and Discipline any time you get final blows while your Super energy is full.
Apex Predator

How To Get: By completing encounters or opening hidden chests in the Last Wish Raid.
God Roll: Quick Launch, Impact Casing, Reconstruction, Bait and Switch, Explosive Pact, Blast Radius Masterwork, Quick Access Sling.
Reconstruction allows Apex Predator to reload itself over time, which is pretty convenient considering it’s a rocket launcher that won’t be used super often. Additionally, Bait and Switch gives additional damage to Apex Predator whenever damage is dealt with other weapons for a short time, and the Explosive Pact Origin Trait gives it extra stability and reload speed when you activate a grenade ability.
Dragon’s Breath

How To Get: From the Exotic Vault kiosk.
Catalyst: Pyromancer – This weapon replenishes its fuel faster. Defeating targets with this weapon causes them to periodically drop Firesprites.
Dragon’s Breath has the Composite Propellant and High Octane Exotic Perks, which cause rockets to embed themselves in struck targets and periodically eject incendiary fuel that inflicts Scorch. When nearby targets are ignited, Dragon’s Breath partially replenishes its fuel and refills itself from reserved when it reaches maximum fuel.
Igneous Hammer

How To Get: By completing Trails of Osiris runs.
God Roll: Corkscrew Rifling, Ricochet Rounds, Keep Away, Precision Instrument, Alacrity, Stability Masterwork, Targeting Adjuster.
Given how difficult it is to get your hands on Igneous Hammer, it only makes sense that it’d be one of the best Solar weapons in Destiny 2. With Traits like Keep Away and Precision Instrument, you get seriously increased stats as well as boosted precision damage.
Polaris Lance

How To Get: By purchasing it from the Monument to Lost Lights with one Exotic Cipher, 125,000 Glimmer, and one Ascendant Shard.
Catalyst: The Perfect Fifth – Precision hits return ammo to the mag. Landing 4 precision hits loads a delayed Solar explosive round for your next shot. Obtain by completing Ritual Activities.
Polaris Lance has the Zen Moment Exotic Perk, along with The Perfect Fifth Catalyst, which allows you to regain spent ammo, gain an explosive Solar round after 4 precision hits, and even reduce recoil and flinch over time while dealing damage.

How To Get: By completing encounters in the Salvation’s Edge Raid in The Final Shape.
God Roll: Arrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Firefly, Incandescent, Collective Purpose, Range Masterwork, Backup Mag.
While Incandescent Scorches unfortunate victims of Nullify’s fire, Firefly allows you to increase reload speed as well as cause your targets to explode and deal Solar damage to nearby enemies when you get precision kills.
Still Hunt

How To Get: By completing the “Wild Card” Exotic mission.
Catalyst: Cayde’s Retribution – Pick up Orbs of Power or land precision hits to charge this weapon’s Super bar. Once full, you can fire Golden Gun shots.
Still Hunt is a great Sniper Rifle, but once you get the Catalyst for it, you’ll be able to fire Golden Gun shots, making Still Hunt have its own unique Super aside from your own.
No Hesitation

How To Get: By completing the Final Shape campaign.
God Roll: Arrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Psychic, Incandescent, Dealer’s Choice, Range Masterwork, Backup Mag.
Given that No Hesitation has a Support Frame archetype, it allows you to heal your allies by hip firing at them, making this weapon a great one to take into activities as a fireteam. Additionally, with the Physic Trait, you’ll also be able to gain restoration for you and your allies by rapidly healing allies with your hip fire.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,