The sea is rife with promise. Perhaps untold riches lie beneath the waves. It may just be the thrill of exploration is what drives man to the sea. Most importantly, in the universe of Don’t Starve, maybe there is food to be found. One thing is certain, as is always the case with things related to Don’t Starve: the sea is going to be a terrifying place. Behold the announcement trailer for the new single-player expansion coming this fall, Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked.

Water has always served as the boundaries to the world in Don’t Starve; once you hit a coastline, you either followed it or turned around. In Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked, it appears that the sea will serve as just another place that tries to kill you. In their announcement, developer Klei promises a “sea-bound journey of exploration” as well as “new playable characters, biomes, creatures, and seasonal effects.” The expansion is being developed in a partnership between Klei Entertainment and Capy Games. There is no mention of whether the new content will find it’s way into the multiplayer version, Don’t Starve Together. Judging by how the previous expansion, Reign of Giants, was handled, the Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked content will gradually trickle in to its multiplayer cousin. Klei finishes their announcement by stating the game is coming to PC, Mac, and Linux this fall.
Still playing Don’t Starve? Will this expansion lure you back to the fold? Let us know!