A routine DUI checkpoint in New Zealand turned into an unexpected comedic exchange when officers mistakenly targeted the passenger instead of the driver for a breathalyzer test. The confusion arose due to the classic car being a left-hand drive import, a rarity in a country where right-hand drive vehicles are standard.
Footage of the encounter shows an officer addressing the passenger with the standard breath test protocol, unaware at first that they were not speaking to the driver. The passenger played along, knowing he was well over the legal driving limit for alcohol. After obviously failing the test, he laughs and points out the oversight. To the cop’s credit, he shares a good laugh with everyone in the back seat.
Over on Reddit, users were quick to weigh in on the mix-up. One comment captured the lighthearted mood: “Nice one, he took it as a great sport too.” Another user noted how the relaxed exchange highlighted differences in law enforcement culture, stating, “It probably does surprise some Americans to see how much more relaxed police interactions can be when both sides know nobody is getting shot.”
In the original TikTok I’ve linked above, the OP explained that all the police officers on the side of the road also found it hilarious. In fact, there was a camera crew there filming a show called Police 10/7, which is a reality TV show that follows police officers during their duties. I can imagine the whole incident gave everyone a chuckle.
So there you have it, not all DUI checkpoints are serious affairs. Some even have their light-hearted moments, and you can be sure that if I ever own a vehicle from another country with opposite-side road rules I’m trying this prank. Let’s just hope the cop is as good a sport as this one!