After an impromptu rise of ICE deportations in Duluth and other small neighborhoods recently, some folks were hoping for a win somewhere. Well, the timing couldn’t have been any better. Despite ICE endangering the local roofing community, liberals and Democrats had a big reason to celebrate as an intensely debated anti-transgender athlete bill was shut down.
After ICE efforts in areas like Duluth caused an uproar for Democrats and Republicans alike, some folks were hoping for any bit of good news to counter how negative the recent news had become. Well, their wishes came true when the Minnesota House spent Monday debating the controversial bill and ultimately blocking it. According to Fox9 News, this was Speaker Emerita Melissa Hortman’s statement.
People of all ages deserve to be loved, accepted, and valued for who they are. At its core, this bill is about how we treat children, and it would allow children to be bullied by adults and other children for not meeting a particular definition of femininity. While Republicans push cruel, divisive bills like this, they ignore the real challenges Minnesotans are facing — like the rising costs of childcare, health care, and housing. Instead of solving problems, they’re fueling division.”
The author of the bill, Peggy Scott, said the following.
There are fairness issues and there are safety issues involving girls’ sports teams. When it comes to boys’ and girls’ athletics, how you identify shouldn’t matter; how you were born should.
This has become a hot button topic as of late, as many feel that certain transgendered athelese have unfair competitive advantages, while some argue that actually, they often suffer disadvantages. Here is what folks in the Reddit post by No-Amphibian-3728 in the r/Minnesota page had to say.
“I’m pretty sure there have been more bills introduced to ban trans athletes than there are trans athletes.”
“Authors told FOX 9 they’re not aware of any transgender athletes competing now in Minnesota.” Absolutely beyond parody.”
“The bill needed 68 votes to proceed. It got 67. I’m glad it failed today but let’s keep this in mind when the next insane culture war bill comes up. Call your reps!”
We will continue to monitor this bill in the future, and any more ICE incursions in Duluth or throughout the state. However, many folks are proud and happy to be from Minnesota as they celebrate this victory.