Elden Ring is filled with challenging boss fights lurking in every corner of the map. While some of them are optional, the others need to be defeated for finishing the story of the game. Maliketh the Black Blade is one of the bosses players must defeat to complete the game. It has two phases known as Beast Clergyman and The Black Blade, and here is the guide on how to defeat it.
How to Defeat the Beast Clergyman in Elden Ring
The first thing you have to know is that defeating the Beast Clergyman in Elden Ring requires the level of 115, with weapons at +20 or higher. This beast is also resistant to Holy and Bleed damage, so try to avoid using them.
The first phase of Maliketh, the Black Blade is the Beast Clergyman. It is easier than the second phase but still very tough compared to other boss fights in Elden Ring. The Beast Clergyman uses rapid, short-ranged spells and sweeping attacks. The good thing is you can block the damaging spells.
Using heavy attacks can stagger the boss. But its constant moving makes it hard to hit using ranged attacks. But this means you can also dodge them easily, especially if you dodge forward instead of the sides.
Once you’ve defeated the Beast Clergyman, the second phase of the Meliketh known as The Black Blade will start. Remembering and using the tips from the previous boss should also work just fine for this phase as well.
The first and most important thing to remember when you face The Black Blade is its sword attacks that not only deal great damage but also take a small amount of damage for five seconds. Getting hit by his sword will decrease your maximum health, but it will be restored after twenty seconds if you survive that long.
Unlike the previous phase, you cannot block his projectiles. So if you saw him leaping around and trying to throw projectiles, don’t bother using a block and do your best to dodge them. There is also an AOE attack where he sticks his sword in the ground. Once you see him doing this, try to dodge backward as fast as you can.
Its constant moving and throwing of projectiles might seem like this boss is impossible to beat, but the good thing is its health is lower than in other boss fights. You must wait for the right window so you won’t take damage while attacking him.
Elden Ring is now available for PC, PS4, PS5,